Yves joined Deloitte in 2004, and currently serves as Partner for the International Tax sector focusing on M&A.
Yves has extensive experience in international tax planning for multinational corporations (MNCs), funds and assets managers in alternative investments strategies (including Real Estate, Infrastructure, etc.) based in Europe and in Asia Pacific.
Yves spent three years in Hong Kong (leader of the Luxembourg AP ICE desk) advising Asia Pacific companies on performing efficient outbound and inbound cross-border tax planning overseas including M&A acquisitions, assistance with structuring acquisitions, repatriation of income planning, leveraging acquisition vehicles and tax structuring of alternative investment funds.
He is a frequent public speaker promoting the use of Luxembourg in international tax planning and as a fund location.
He holds a Master in Tax Law from HE Liège and a Luxembourg tax diploma. Also he is a Graduate in Business Administration with major in France. He is fluent in French and English.