Sergio Venti joined Deloitte in 2011, and currently serves as Partner in Advisory & Consulting for the Asset Management & Banking sectors.
Sergio has extensive experience in the asset management and asset servicing industries, with specific knowledge on regulatory change. He provided assistance in adapting to UCITS, AIFMD and MiFID regulations, and is now a recognized expert in all aspects concerning the implementation of EU sustainable finance regulations.
His assignments usually take the form of strategic projects and benchmarking analysis across various areas, including product strategy, operational efficiency, and regulatory readiness.
Prior to joining Deloitte, Sergio worked for the Pictet Group, where he built the Client Solutions & Innovation team. He was part of the Management Committee and oversaw new service developments as well as project execution, change management and marketing activities.
Sergio began his career in 2001 at JPMorgan Asset Management.
Sergio is a member of several ALFI and EFAMA working groups.
He holds a Master of Science (MSc) in Economics from the London School of Economics & Political Science. He is fluent in French, English, Italian and Spanish.