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The Climate Fresk: Scaling collective climate intelligence

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“The interactive activities that are central to the Climate Fresk trainings tap into all of the complex thoughts and feelings around climate change. We aren’t simply educating more people; we’re helping them to engage and commit to the changes required by the crisis ahead.”


Giorgio Consoli, Analyst, Finance & Sustainability and Climate Fresk facilitator, Deloitte Luxembourg

In the fight against climate change, education is critical, and time is of the essence. However, deeper engagement with the topic is equally important and is a necessary component to inspire action. As part of our WorldClimate initiative, we have been offering our professionals dynamic, interactive, and collaborative climate-education courses through Climate Fresk, a French non-profit organisation founded in 2018.

Over the course of three hours, 42 cards, and one facilitator, an intimate group of participants journey through a workshop designed to enhance participation in three stages:

  1. Understand: Use climate change concept cards to visually map out complex causes and effects of climate change.
  2. Envision: Interact with the “fresco” collage, through decoration and discussion, giving names to solutions.
  3. Debrief: Process questions, concerns, feelings about the activity, etc. 

A crucial part of our people's Induction Journey at Deloitte, these workshops help cultivate climate consciousness among our employees and amplify our collective efforts in the global conversation and fight against climate change.

From June 2023 through May 2024, 332 of our employees were trained across 42 training sessions. Since beginning these trainings in 2021, we have trained 634 professionals and currently have seven Climate Fresk-certified facilitators in house. Transformation takes hold amid collaboration. We hope the lessons learned will carry from one person to another, creating a continuous cycle of education, awareness, and enthusiastic steps toward measurable change.