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Deloitte Digital business obstacle: Digitization

How can I make the most of my organization's digital transformation?

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Key facts and trends

The world is undergoing a dramatic transformation: customers, products and distribution channels are fundamentally digital oriented, thus requiring underlying company processes to turn digital as well with pure online players setting up the benchmark in terms of user experience, reactivity level, time to market, etc. Moreover workforce is also becoming increasingly mobile with a blurring separation between home and office, requiring digital channels with remote access to their workspaces and documents.

Digitization can allow your organization to work faster and more efficient with a decrease of time information processing, better time to market and eventually a more profitable and sustainable business.
But ones seriously needs to think about the impact of process digitisation on their daily activities, their operating model and how the underlying organisation will support it.

Digitization succeeds only if it is fully integrated to the company business strategy and if all the impacted components across all layers have been taken into account.

How Deloitte Digital can help

Deloitte Digital assesses your digital readiness and level of maturity, clarifies your digital vision and strategy, to build a business case and related project roadmap, which helps to define and implement the right strategy for the digitisation of the company processes.

We assist you to go paperless, encompassing the corresponding processes, governance and application landscape. We work with you on several topics like Electronic Document Management, Case Management, Content Indexing and Search, Enterprise Collaboration and Knowledge Management in order to optimize your overall organization.

We support you to redefine and revolutionize your processes and operations, in order to make them more efficient, achieve STP and finally optimize your employees and customer experience via new digital platforms, apps, and ways of delivering your services.

Expected results

Setting up a full digitization linked to a strong strategy does bring several opportunities for your company, both on financial and organizational aspects.

Firstly, going paperless allows you to reduce your operational costs by reducing size of physical archives and maintenance effort, to decrease your printing costs and optimize digital storage. It also speeds up and streamlines your processes, reduce risks of loss or theft, mitigate operational risk due to manual error and increase safety of information.

Furthermore, digitizing your organization allows you to rethink the whole enterprise way of working in order to improve its agility, which will makes you provide enhanced customer experience, for your clients and for your employees.

Finally, by reducing your paper usage, you reduce your carbon footprint, which is a motivating factor for employees and a good communication topic towards clients and investors.

Our added value

We have worked with digital leaders across multiple industries to understand which tools and techniques are being adopted in thriving digital businesses today.

Deloitte Digital has an expertise in road mapping and assisting in the transformation from traditional models to a digitalized strategy. We provide you with our process review expertise, considering your overall digital strategy in order to deliver the most efficient and realistic roadmap thanks to our proven methodology and our Digital framework combined with our past experience in your specific industry.

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