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Deloitte Digital case study: Orchestrate changes

Development of a HR Portal based on employee lifecycle journeys

Deloitte supported one of the largest banking and financial services institutions in the world in the optimisation of their HR service delivery, which involved the review of its HR contact centre structure, Tier model and technology in order to increase Tier-0 effectiveness. The key requirement of the project was to design a portal solution that was 'easy to use' for employees and managers, and would respond clearly to the needs of the identified end users. The aim was to also provide a tool to HR to ensure better effectiveness of the service delivery model.



The project aimed at designing an HR portal solution capable of integrating transactions (ESS, MSS), a dedicated HR knowledge base and basic case management for HR.

The design project has been achieved by directly involving end users in the design phase through focus groups, rapidly creating and continuously updating a set of wireframes that the customer validated and served as the base for the build phase.

A full knowledge management methodology, as well as a HR portal governance model have also been put in place as part of this project.



The key benefit was a higher degree of effectiveness of the HR service delivery model, allowing for a bigger portion of customer queries to be answered online via the portal.

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