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Link'n Learn | Archive 2014 - 2023

Interactive Access to Deloitte Knowledge

Since 2009, Deloitte has decided to open its knowledge resources to the professionals of the Financial Services Industries community

  • Investment Funds | NAV calculation errors or investment rule non-compliance | 13 September 2023
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  • Investment Funds | UCIs: Reduction of the subscription tax rate for funds investing in sustainable investments | 20 September 2023
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  • Investment Funds | Supervision of costs in UCITS and AIFs | 11 October 2023
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  • Banking | Distributed Ledger Technology, Tokenization and Digital Assets | 18 October 2023
  • Regulatory | DORA | 25 October 2023
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  • Investment Funds | Asset Servicing Survey 2023 | 8 November 2023
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  • Regulatory | How can Investment Fund Managers keep on top of ever evolving regulatory landscape applicable to them? | 15 November 2023
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  • Technology & Innovation | AML/CTF and due diligence on counterparties | 22 November 2023
  • Sustainability | SFDR Reporting: state of play and key learning points | 6 December 2023
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  • Alternative Investments | Carried Interest and Performance Fee Incentives | 13 December 2023
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  • Alternative Investments | Accounting: GAAP and NAV differences to consider for RE / Alternative funds | 10 January 2024
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  • Investment Funds | Cross-border distribution and marketing of foreign funds: hot topics, latest trends and new opportunities | 31 January 2024
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  • Regulatory | Regulatory Landscape for 2024: focus on Sustainable Finance | 7 February 2024
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  • Risk & Asset management | Distribution and Product lifecycle management – The ManCo as a key stakeholder! | 21 February 2024
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  • Regulatory|Key Elements of an effective AML/KYC compliance regime | 6 March 2024
  • Technology & Innovation  | Overview of AI and its top use cases in Banking  | 20 March 2024
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  • Investment Funds | Fund Tax update on latest trends | 10 April 2024
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  • Risk & Asset management | Principles for sound Liquidity Risk Management and Supervision | 24 April 2024
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  • Alternative Investments | INREV NAV / reporting | 15 May 2024
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  • Risk & Asset management | Digital processes for improving the evaluation and monitoring of risk  | 29 May 2024
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  • Sustainability | Evolution in the Non-Financial Disclosure: state of play and the assurance approach  | 5 June 2024
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  • Technology & Innovation | Generative AI: Application to FSI | 12 June 2024
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Alternative Investments:

  • European Long Term Investment Fund and its implication for asset managers - 5 October 2022
  • Supervision of costs in UCITS and AIFs - 19 October 2022
  • Carried Interest and Performance Fee Incentives - 16 January 2023
  • Accounting: different GAAPs and NAVs to consider for Alternative funds - 18 January 2023
  • INREV NAV / reporting - 22 March 2023


  • Interbank Ecosystems - 16 November 2022
  • Banking & Digital : Digital Ledger Technology, Tokenization and Crypto assets - 14 December 2022
  • Future of Banking: Chief Strategic Officer survey - 29 March 2023 (Cancelled/to be rescheduled)
  • Regulated Banking: Data Governance Act / ePrivacy Regulation - 14 June 2023

Investment Funds:

  • SAQ and SR and AML External report - 14 September 2022
  • NAV calculation errors or investment rule non-compliance - 21 September 2022
  • UCIs: Reduction of the subscription tax rate for funds investing in sustainable investments - 28 September 2022
  • Cross-border distribution of foreign funds: latest trends, new opportunities, and Brexit - 8 February 2023
  • Fund Tax update: update on latest trends - 17 May 2023
  • Asset management survey results 2023 - 28 June 2023


  • DORA and digital regulatory - 26 October 2022
  • MIFIID II: General introduction - 25 January 2023
  • Regulatory Landscape for 2023 – focus on Sustainable Finance - 22 February 2023
  • Key Elements of an effective AML/KYC compliance regime - 8 March 2023

Risk & Asset management:

  • Distribution and Product lifecycle management – The ManCo as a key stakeholder! - 1 March 2023
  • Principles for sound Liquidity Risk Management and Supervision - 19 April 2023
  • Digital processes for improving the evaluation and monitoring of risk - 5 July 2023


  • ESG Disclosure and data challenge - 11 January 2023
  • Sustainable Investment - What is the impact of your portfolio on the real world? - 7 June 2023

Technology & Innovation:

  • Technology and data to enhance AML/CTF and fraud risk management - 9 November 2022
  • Overview of AI and its top use cases in Banking – 1 February 2023
  • ManCo Tech: This time it is for real! - 26 April 2023


  • Governance and organization of the supervision - 27 January 2021
  • How digitally mature is Luxembourg’s private banking sector? - 10 February 2021
  • Mutualization and outsourcing trends: from competition to cooperation - 3 March 2021

Investment Funds

  • Fund Tax update: update on latest trends - 13 January 2021
  • Industrialisation in Asset Servicing – it is more than about securities and payments - 24 February 2021
  • Investment Compliance for IM - 31 March 2021
  • Luxembourg management companies: Operating models, Due Diligence and Oversight requirements - 21 April 2021
  • Transfer Pricing dimension of regulated management companies - 14 July 2021

Operations & Techniques

  • Share Class Hedging Techniques and Monitoring - 19 May 2021


  • Trends in cyber risk and regulation for financial institutions - 16 June 2021

Risk & Asset Management

  • Introduction to risk management: Risk management for UCITS and AIFs - 10 March 2021


  • Sustainability impacts and opportunities for the financial sector - 30 June 2021

Technology and Innovation

  • ManCo Tech: this time it is for real! - 5 May 2021

Investment Funds

  • Investment Management Tax / Tax Outlook 2020 - 13 February
  • Challenges and opportunities of Sustainable Finance - 19 March
  • Fund distribution management - 02 April
  • Alternative funds - 14 May
  • AML/KYC - 28 May
  • Derivative Financial Instruments -  18 June
  • Introduction to Money Market Fund Regulation - 5 November
  • Carried interest: from accounting to valuation - 24 September
  • Latest news on Outsourcing - 01 October
  • Valuation of illiquid assets - 26 November
  • Due diligence - 03 December

Innovation & Technology

  • Innovation in Asset Servicing - 07 July

Risk & Asset Management

  • Introduction to Risk Management - 09 April


  • Embracing complexity: the Asset Management Regulatory Landscape for 2020 - 06 February
  • Culture and Corporate Governance - 05 March
  • How is Brexit affecting the asset management industry? - 07 May
  • PRiiPs and KID - 11 June

Investment Funds

  • Investment Management Tax / Tax Outlook 2019 - 14 February
  • Challenges and opportunities of Sustainable Finance - 11 April
  • Investment Management Funds - 25 April
  • Regulated PERE funds - 12 September
  • AML/KYC - 26 September
  • Derivative Financial Instruments - 24 October
  • Money Market - 21 November
  • Delegation, Oversight & Due Diligence - 12 December


  • Embracing complexity: the Asset Management Regulatory Landscape for 2019 - 31 January
  • MiFID II and Corporate Governance - 07 March
  • PRiiPs and KID - 16 May
  • How will Brexit affect the asset management industry? - 27 June

Innovation & Technology

  • Technology in IM Industry/RPA (Robotics) - 07 November

Risk & Asset Management

  • Introduction to Risk Management - 10 October


Investment Funds

  • Investment Management Tax / Tax Outlook 2018 - 15 February
  • ETFs and Sustainability - 08 March
  • Investment Management Funds - 31 May
  • Outsourcing - 14 June
  • Regulated PERE funds - 13 September
  • AML/KYC - 27 September
  • Cyber Risk - threats and opportunities - Cancelled
  • Derivative Financial Instruments - 25 October
  • Money Market Funds - 22 November
  • The Delegated Asset Manager Due Diligence - 06 December


  • Embracing complexity: the Asset Management Regulatory Landscape for 2018 - 01 February
  • GDPR from different perspectives - 12 April
  • MiFID II and Corporate Governance - 3 May
  • PRiiPs and KID - 17 May
  • Brexit: How this will/could shape/impact the European and Global Asset Management industry - 28 June

Innovation & Technology

  • Future of Banking: Digital and Regulatory - 22 March
  • RPA (Robotics) in IM Industry - 08 November


  • Tax Outlook 2017 - 16 February
  • Fintech and disruptive technologies in asset management - 2 March
  • Data protection - 16 March
  • CMU and Fund Products - 30 March
  • EMIR and SFTR - 13 April
  • MiFID II - 27 April
  • PRiiPs and KID - 11 May
  • ETFs - 18 May
  • Corporate Governance - 8 June
  • AMLD IV - 21 September
  • Basel III and CRD V/CRR II - 9 November
  • Political landscape and global impact for Funds - 16 November

Operations & Techniques

  • Derivative Financial Instruments - Part 1 - 5 October
  • Derivative Financial Instruments - Part 2 - 19 October

Investment Funds Introduction

  • Introduction to Investment Funds - 2 February
  • IM Funds - 27 July
  • Disruption of the Banking Industry - 7 September
  • Digital Landscape in the IM industry - 12 October
  • Investment Management Tax - 2 November
  • Money Market Funds - 7 December


  • PRIIPs - 28 April
  • Anti Money Laundering - 19 May
  • Client Assets - 26 May
  • MAD II / MAR - 2 June
  • EU Referendum: The week after - 30 June
  • MiFID II and MiFIR - 11 August
  • AIFMD II - 18 August
  • ETF update - 22 September
  • Basel III and Solvency II for asset managers - 3 November

Operations & Techniques

  • Derivative Financial Instruments - Introduction to Valuation - 12 May
  • Opportunities and threats of Digital for the investment management industry - 15 September
  • Derivative Financial Instruments - Valuing Complex Instruments - 13 October

Investment Funds Introduction

  • Investment Fund Governance - Developing a Risk-Based Oversight Framework - 21 April
  • Introduction to Investment Funds - 16 June
  • Private Equity, Property Funds, Real Estate and Infrastructure Funds - 8 September
  • Investment Fund Tax - 6 October
  • The Securities Financing Transactions Regulation - 1 December

26 November 2015 - Private Equity, Property Funds & Real Estate

13 November 2015 - Introduction to Hedge Funds

9 October 2015 - Investment Management Tax

5 October 2015 - Derivative Financial Instruments - Valuing Complex Instruments

28 September 2015 - Basel III & Solvency II impact for AM

11 August 2015 - AIFMD II

9 July 2015 - Derivative Financial Instruments - Introduction to Valuation

11 June 2015 - Remuneration (CRD, MiFID, AIFMD, UCITS)

28 May 2015 - EMIR / SFT Regulations

21 May 2015 - Capital Markets Union

6 May 2015 - European Fund Distribution

21 April 2015 - Anti-Money Laundering

7 April 2015 - Loan Funds

25 March 2015 - Client assets

10 March 2015 - UCITS V & VI updates

24 February 2015 - AIFMD developments

6 February 2015 - Money Market Funds - International developments

27 January 2015 - Regulatory Outlook for 2015

2014: A year in review

6 November 2014 - Focus on Annual Reporting for 2014 year end

23 October 2014 - European Regulatory update

9 October 2014 - Base Erosion Profit Shifting (BEPS) and the Funds Industry

28 August 2014 - Introduction to IFRS for Investment Funds

14 August 2014 - Introduction to Private Equity

31 July 2014 - Derivative Financial Instruments – Valuing Complex Instruments

17 July 2014 - Remuneration: Key developments and considerations for Fund Managers

19 June 2014 - Derivative Financial Instruments - Introduction to Valuation

5 June 2014 - Unravelling Basel III and Capital Requirements Directive IV

22 May 2014 - Introduction to Hedge Funds

8 May 2014 - MiFID II / MiFIR - Implications for Fund Managers

29 April 2014 - Introductions to Islamic Funds - Discover what Luxembourg can offer

24 April 2014 - UCITS developments

10 April 2014 - AIFMD - 100 day plan

27 March 2014 - FATCA Implementation

20 March 2014 - AIFMD Depositary - Taking a risk-intelligent approach

6 March 2014 - EMIR - Where do you stand?

13 February 2014 - Introduction to Investment Funds

30 January 2014 - Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) - How will supervision be in the future?

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