We have set aspirational goals against which our global leadership monitors progress and we have developed consistent global standards spanning the entire career lifecycle—from recruitment, promotion and succession processes to development, mentoring, sponsorship and agile/flexible working. Deloitte firm CEOs have committed to deliver on these initiatives and report progress to the Deloitte Global CEO, Deloitte Global Executive and Deloitte Global Board of directors on a regular basis.
Deloitte stands against violence against women. As part of the United Nations’ “16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence” campaign we are advocating for a world free of gender-based violence and promoting education to drive change. With 1 in 3 women worldwide experiencing violence, it’s imperative that we take action to prevent violence and advance women’s equity at work and in our communities. The video below shares some of the statistics around violence against women and serves as a call to action to us all to take a stand and commit to taking steps to combatting this violence.