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The impact of the EU’s proposed AML reforms

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Event language: English

The impact of the EU’s proposed AML reforms

Sir Rob Wainwright leads a panel of experts in a discussion to identify key areas of note in the EU’s recently released package of proposed AML reforms.

Earlier this year, the European Commission presented a wide-ranging package of legislative proposals to strengthen the EU's Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) rules. Areas of focus include regulations establishing new EU AML/CFT authority, the creation of a new AML/CFT “Single Rulebook” that standardises approaches across member states, and a sixth iteration of the ML Directive to expand the list of obliged entities, strengthen beneficial ownership registers, facilitate cross border information sharing of bank account registers, ban cash payments over €10k and to facilitate enhanced FIU collaboration, amongst a range of other proposed reforms.

To explore these proposals in more detail and their likely impact on tackling financial crime in the European Union, Sir Rob Wainwright, Partner, Cyber and Financial Crime, Deloitte, is joined by Lora Von Ploetz, Head of Global Financial Crime Unit, Commerzbank AG; Karel Lannoo, CEO, Centre for European Policy Studies; and Che Sidanius, Global Head of Financial Crime and Industry Affairs, Refinitiv, to discuss: 

  • What are the key drivers behind the AML reforms?
  • Will these reforms ultimately make the AML regime more effective?
  • What is the role of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in the disruption of financial crime?
  • What are the key impacts of the reform package on financial institutions and the wider regulated sector?
  • Is the timeline of the proposals achievable?

This panel brings together experts to distil some of the key takeaways from this complex set of proposed reforms and will be of particular interest to those in law enforcement, banking, regulatory and policymaking.



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Sir Rob Wainwright leads a panel of experts in a discussion to identify key areas of note in the EU’s recently released package of proposed AML reforms.

European Commission

Earlier this year, the European Commission presented a wide-ranging package of legislative proposals to strengthen the EU's Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) rules. Areas of focus include regulations establishing new EU AML/CFT authority, the creation of a new AML/CFT “Single Rulebook” that standardises approaches across member states, and a sixth iteration of the ML Directive to expand the list of obliged entities, strengthen beneficial ownership registers, facilitate cross border information sharing of bank account registers, ban cash payments over €10k and to facilitate enhanced FIU collaboration, amongst a range of other proposed reforms.