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GlobalAdvantage™ Connect

Initiate, approve and manage your international assignments.

What is it?
GlobalAdvantage (GA) Connect is a unique and innovative web-based application that can help streamline the assignment initiation process; providing functionality to automate assignment activities.

GA Connect enables you to initiate international assignments, monitor the status of assignment approvals and log many pre and post assignment tasks centrally within a secure environment.

Assignment requests are created and submitted within the application. Assignment costings can be uploaded and automatically sent to approvers. Once a candidate and all associated assignment costs have been approved, vendor notifications can be automatically initiated. The status of these and other activities can be tracked within GA Connect until pre-assignment services have been completed.

Once on assignment, assignee records can be retrieved to manage repatriation tasks, monitor extension requests or note that an assignee has been localised.

GA Connect offers structure and transparency to an important area of assignment management.

Why do I need it?
The key benefits of using GA Connect include:

Secure Web-based Technology
Global, online access for HR professionals within your organisation. Pre-defined users can be created based upon country, region or business function security roles. As data is stored securely within the application, data protection and privacy requirements are addressed.

Easier Approvals Process
Approvals are created and managed within the system in real-time, providing a centralized activity log and improving corporate governance whilst managing exposure to risk.

Improved Management of Vendors
Service providers are initiated from within GA Connect and all system generated correspondence is stored centrally, reducing duplication of information.

Enhanced Audit Trails
All workflow tasks are ‘time and date’ stamped, and can be used for reporting and measuring the efficiency of internal or external process steps.

What does it look like?
The site has been designed to be user-friendly and provide quick access to required tasks.

How does it work?
Assignments are initiated using a simple online form which incorporates the essential information necessary to begin an international assignment.

Once an assignment request has been created, an interactive approval process is undertaken within the system. This includes tracking of approvals for cost projections, balance sheets as well as assignment letter sign-off. GA Connect manages approval routes using a pre-defined authorisation sequence and tracks approval status.

When the assignment is approved, vendors such as shipping, immigration, tax or destination services can be notified electronically, with each stage of the assignment activity being tracked. All workflow tasks are ‘time and date’ stamped.

GA Connect includes several standard HR administrative reports that can be viewed on screen or exported as Microsoft Excel files, PDF or HTML.

GA Connect has been designed and developed to support a defined implementation methodology. Configuration options are also available which will allow you to create an application tailored for your organizations’ needs.

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