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Ireland (21 February 2023) – Minister for Justice announces extension of the Temporary Protection Directive permissions granted to persons fleeing the war in Ukraine.


What is the change?

The Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) permission granted to those fleeing the war in Ukraine in March 2022 has now been extended a further 12 months, until March 2024.

From 16 February 2023, holders of the Temporary Protection Certificate (yellow paper), will not need to apply for a new Temporary Protection Certificate. Expired certificates may be used as proof of entitlement to re-enter the country until 04 March 2024, along with a printed copy of the confirmation of the extension notice, which is available on the Immigration Service Delivery website. The expired certificates and extension notice are sufficient to evidence permission to reside and work in Ireland.

Key points:
  • Implementation time frame: Effective immediately.
  • Who is affected: All those currently holding Temporary Protection in the State.
Analysis & Comments:

In light of current events in Ukraine, Deloitte supports the Minister’s decision to extend the TPD a further 12 months.

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