In the area of income tax, the following measures were announced:
Low to middle class earners will benefit from the income tax measures announced. While the increase in the CAT thresholds will support families in passing wealth to the next generation, those planning to transfer farms to the next generation may be affected by the changes unless the donor is a genuine farmer.
Most measures outlined are to be introduced in 2025 (with the exception of the increase in the rent tax credit for 2024) with some measures extended to 2027.
With record high levels of employment, the income tax package announced, while inflationary in nature, will be welcome news for low to middle income earners in particular. It is, however, a missed opportunity to reform and simplify the income tax system as promised by the previous government, although, a review of the tax regime on funds and other investments may provide opportunity to simplify the personal tax system as it relates to them.
The increase in the CAT thresholds for gifts / inheritances will, given increase in asset values, provide relief for families passing wealth intergenerationally - albeit for people giving amounts annually to support family the annual small gift exemption now remains unchanged for in excess of 20 years.
Further, in light of proposed changes to the standard fund threshold for pension purposes, consideration could be given to persons with more than one employment or a further career in retirement, where having taken retirement benefits below the standard fund threshold, they can in a subsequent employment make further contributions to bolster provision for their retirement.