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Future of Controls Webinar 2024

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Deloitte's Ciarán Treacy Director, Risk Advisory, was joined in conversation with Maisam Ladha Manager, Risk Advisory, and Reetika Thakur, Manager Risk Advisory to discuss the topic of Future of Controls.

Organisations need effective controls to thrive but they are often seen as administrative, regulatory or compliance driven. Todays’ control function is often a reactive reporting function rather than a pro-active value driver. It has no single view, no early warnings and no automation.

Our Future of Controls webinar aimed to address the key challenges around controls and provide attendees with useful insights and practical areas to focus on to help them progress through their future of controls journey. Topics explored during the webinar included:

  • Deloitte's Future of Controls vision and how it can bring value to your organsiation.
  • Establishing an agile approach to assess risk and select appropriate controls using best practice to reimagine your controls, focusing on ESG as a use case.
  • We also shared a demo of a tool that we use to help clients improve spreadsheet automation, control and manage data hygiene risks.

For more information, watch the full webinar below. 

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