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Solvency II

Our services

Deloitte has been actively helping, encouraging and championing Irish insurance undertakings to “Be Involved and Be Prepared” for Solvency II. We outline our Solvency II services below but please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Pillar I

In the Pillar I process we are helping undertakings and representative associations prepare QIS returns and submissions. Our advice and expertise in highlighting areas of concern within the Solvency II model to both individual undertakings and groups of undertakings has enabled better targeted responses and submissions to Regulators. Deloitte’s global reach ensures we are able to incorporate the best aspects of common and individual country views and techniques regarding the developing Solvency II model. Our training assistance has been directed at both executive and technical levels.

Our Solvency II services include the development of a Pillar I assessment tool (see Learn more above) based on the standard QIS4 return and the Irish Regulatory Returns. This enables and helps captives and small to medium sized undertakings to quickly establish those aspects of the Solvency II model that will have greatest impact on their capital base. The tool is a good starter point upon which to commence any planning and preparation for implementation of Solvency II. Following on from our QIS work we are assisting undertakings in their consideration and development of the potential use of Internal or Partial Models within the Solvency II process.