A certain level of mergers and acquisitions (“M&A”) activity is expected and ultimately required in a normal functioning M&A market; it is an important growth driver, it allows for retiring owner managers to extract equity from their businesses, and it caters for general divestment for those wishing to realise investments. M&A activity tends to rise and fall in line with general economic trends, and from early 2009 to late 2013 M&A transaction activity in the Irish market fell to unprecedented levels, outside of stressed and distressed opportunistic scenarios. This gave rise to a hugely pent-up demand for M&A activity, with transaction levels returning to pre-2007 highs over the last 18 months. The year 2015 saw a significant surge in M&A activity, and H1 2016 deal volume again increased on prior- year levels. While the full impact of Brexit remains unknown, there are a number of positive indicators suggesting continued growth in the Irish M&A market.
Acquisition, or ‘buy and build’, is at the core of many Irish businesses’ strategies for growth. If well planned, executed and integrated, a successful acquisition can be a significant accelerator to organic business growth, as well as in many cases offering the business access to a product, service, market, technology or capability that is more difficult to access organically.
Management teams considering acquisitions should ask themselves some key questions to aid in their evaluation of whether any particular target acquisition, or indeed an acquisition strategy in general, makes sense and is likely to enhance the value of their business overall. These include the following:
A deal process can be all consuming for both buyer and seller, and often the senior management team can become distracted on the internal processes and the running of the business becomes less of a focus. Preparing carefully for a deal and continuing to drive underlying profitability should continue to be a key focus. In some cases, this means freeing up specific members of the management team on either or both sides of the process to focus on the deal, enabling others to prioritise day-to-day business and customer relationships.
Misalignment of valuation expectations can be one of the challenging aspects of deal negotiation, particularly in a buoyant market where valuation multiples are high. Early agreement of the valuation alongside carefully understood assumptions can help both buyer and seller to be better aligned on the deal’s structure at an early stage in the process. It is also recommended to have in place a robust acquisition process, including a detailed ‘heads of agreement’, which addresses all of the key terms that underpin the buyer’s valuation assumptions, including factors such as net debt and normalised working capital that are adjustments to price, but the implications of which may not be fully appreciated by the seller at the point of engagement. Earn-out structures and other incentivisation structures providing upside for the exiting shareholders and/or the management team can also be very effective in bridging valuation gaps.
Another reason acquisitions fall over during a process is so-called ‘price chipping’ by the buyer, whereby the financials presented by the seller don’t stack up to due diligence or fundamental issues are discovered mid-process that lead to a reduction in valuation that the seller is not willing to accept. For the seller, the onus is on them to prepare for due diligence thoroughly and present a robust picture of the business. For the buyer, a well-prepared buy-side due diligence process and early identification of red flag issues can help manage the expectations of the seller.
Communicating throughout the process and maintaining a strong working relationship with the management team on the other side of the deal is also of the utmost importance. What is often forgotten in the midst of heated deal negotiations is that the two management teams (in most cases) need to work together post transaction to deliver on targeted returns. Using advisers or independent third parties (e.g. non-executive directors) to help manage the process and the negotiations between the parties can help to manage this risk. Communicating issues as they arise and keeping sellers informed of the process, approvals, funding and due diligence issues all help to encourage a smooth transaction.
The stated statistics on the percentage of acquisitions that fail vary; but most market participants accept that at least 50 per cent (some market commentators believe this figure is closer to 90 per cent) fail to deliver the expected returns. So why do so many acquisitions fail?
The Irish M&A market was strong in 2015, with domestic, inbound and outbound M&A all driving deal activity. While overall activity has perhaps been more muted in 2016 (excluding the impact of some large transactions from the deal statistics), well-capitalised Irish corporates remain active buyers of businesses, both within Ireland and internationally, and are continuing to seek acquisition opportunities to accelerate growth. The underlying fundamentals driving activity are strong and the funding environment to support buy-and-build strategies is particularly strong right now, both in terms of debt and equity. Also, where successful acquisitions can be identified, superior returns both in terms of net profitability and ultimate capital value can be achieved within a relatively short time. However the statistics are clear – acquisitions can be difficult to execute successfully and, post execution, the majority of acquisitions fail to deliver expected returns. Therefore, well-considered acquisition strategies and well-prepared acquisition processes are key if an Irish buyer is to have a fair chance of delivering on their acquisition goals to support their overall strategic plan and add capital value to their business.