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Practical tools for reopening the workplace

Recovery from COVID-19: the work, workforce, workplace reinvented

In organisations of all shapes and sizes, leaders face a balancing act between long-term course correction and essential actions in the here and now. Here’s some practical tools and guidance to help businesses navigate both.

This workbook provides a framework to help HR leaders plan for what they need now to maintain business continuity, while anticipating future demands. This will guide you through key considerations and scenario planning across the three dimensions: work, workforce, and workplace. This workbook provides a guide to help you get started.

Complete a set of readiness assessment questions to receive a free analysis of your organisation’s readiness, a heatmap, and recommendations around work, workforce, and workplace.

Email to enquire about starting your readiness assessment.

On the 9 May, the Government issued the return to work safety on the protocol which should be used by all workplaces to adapt their workplace procedures and practices to comply fully with the COVID-19 related public health protection measures identified as necessary by the HSE.

Return to Work Safely Protocol

Click to view

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a sharp increase in people doing their jobs remotely. Engaged and productive employees can be an organisation’s greatest asset. Download the report to find out how you can help increase the productivity of your team when working remotely.

On 1 May, the Government of Ireland announced their roadmap to ease COVID-19 restrictions and reopen Ireland’s economy and society. Yet the abundance of “unknown unknowns” – everything from changes in the social contract, to marcoeconomic impacts, to local health ordinances, to individual employee preferences or fears of populated work environments – make it challenging.

How organisations handle the recovery will define their brands with both their workforce and their customers, establish the reputations for years to come, and determine their future competiveness.

To support you on this journey, Deloitte has created and worked with partners to develop a range of zero or low cost tools to help accelerate your reopening of your workplace. Find out more below.

Getting ready

To reopen the workplace, leaders need to:

  1. Evaluate the implications to the organisation of changes in the social contract with employees
  2. Answer core strategic questions around the work, workplace, and the workforce, which frame the reopening decisions
  3. Leverage important tools to inform those strategic decisions and to support the reopening of the workplace and changes needed implemented

Organisations must plan for multiple scenarios and time horizons. They should also plan for the possibility of muptiple waves of the pandemic and its continuing global – and uneven – footprint. For workforce strategies, organisations need to establish critical priorities for the next 12 to 24 months as they position themselves for new realities. Below are tools to get you started:

Tools for successful reopening 


When reopening your workplace, enabling tools can help you with the planning and tracking of your workplace readiness plans, manage the health and safety of your employees, and support collaboration for your employees located at home and back in the workplace.

Below are some tools Deloitte has developed with our Partners which can be set-up quickly and cost effectively to help you navigate your recovery journey.

Deloitte Resolve

An emergency response ServiceNow solution created by Deloitte to help organisations monitor staff exposure, build a risk profile and create an internal information forum as a component of their COVID-19 response plan.

Workday Extend WFH Hub

This tool provides a platform that allows employees to record days they intend to work from home, their location while they do so, and the nature of work they carry out. Employee check-in’s and surveys for remote workers is managed via this and the insights and instant feedback are shared with managers via a dashboard.

Employee Wellness

Employee wellness and their ability to return to work and customer confidence can be quickly gauged through both Qualtrics and Workday powered thermometer.

COVID-19 Command Centre

Employers can centrally manage COVID-19 return to work readiness planning and track activities such as workforce shift planning, emergency response management in a Salesforce cloud solution.

Webinars and Industry Insights

Reopening the Workplace

Since the onset of COVID-19, organisations’ first priority has been crisis response. Now, as we move into the recovery phase, leaders are focusing on the next set of workforce challenges: ‘reopening the workplace’. With restrictions on non-essential businesses easing in Ireland over the coming weeks and months, organisations must plan now for their return to the workplace.

Equipping leaders to adjust and prioritise new behaviours

Leaders will need increased resilience to guide their organisations and people through Covid-19. This webinar includes key insights for leaders and managers as they navigate workplace challenges.

How to set your team up for successful remote working

With new ways of working comes new challenges for leaders. Learn how to mobilise your team, stay connected and look after your well-being in our webinar on remote working.

A typical crisis plays out over three time frames: Respond, in which a company deals with the present situation and manages continuity; Recover, during which a company learns and emerges stronger; and Thrive, where the company prepares for and shapes the "next normal."

Resilient leaders shift organisational mindsets, navigate uncertainties, and invest in building trust in order to develop a recovery playbook that serves as a solid foundation for the post-COVID future.

The essence of resilient leadership

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As the COVID-19 pandemic radically disrupted work environments, the first priority has been crisis response: emphasising health and safety, essential services, and the virtualisation of work and education.

As the world attempts to recover and return to a post-COVID normal, we anticipate the most significant impacts for the Life Sciences industry will be felt in Manufacturing and supply chain disruptions and increased use of digital technologies.

Impact and Recovery for the Life Sciences Industry

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The commercial real estate (CRE) market is currently in a state of flux, with mixed messages circulating regarding the severity and longevity of the implications from Covid19. In essence, at this point it is difficult to determine exactly when this crisis will ease or when any degree of “normality” will resume in the market.

A landlord and Tenant playbook

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As the effects of the coronavirus are felt around the world, governments and businesses’ primary focus is the safety of their people. Whilst this focus will continue, Deloitte is now being engaged to support our construction clients to assess and react to the significant impact of local and global restrictions.

Even if the spread of the virus is contained in the short term, companies will feel the effect for months to come. We will shortly see the impacts of the coronavirus in terms of contract and project delays, but also supply chain disruptions.

How the construction industry can take proactive steps to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 restrictions

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The COVID-19 crisis continues to have a significant impact on individuals, society, business and the wider economy across the globe. The insurance industry has not escaped its impact but insurers have responded quickly to the crisis. As the broader economy recovers and responds to the pandemic, insurers will face a number of challenges but also see many new opportunities in the medium to long term.

Impact of COVID-19 on the insurance industry

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Governments are on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis. In the coming months, they will be focused on balancing health and economic impacts; promoting economic health for individuals, businesses, and other sectors; and reopening the economy with an eye towards a better future.

Executing the COVID-19 recovery

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The rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus is challenging governments to act in ways normally reserved for war, depressions, and natural disasters. The pandemic has caused global upheaval that may endure for months—or longer. Governments are taking extreme measures to limit the human cost and economic disruption. It is the most consequential set of public policy and mass behavior change actions most of us have seen in our lifetimes.

Governments’ response to COVID-19

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