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Generative AI for Industries

Benefits and limitations of Generative AI

How to extract value for your industry from Generative AI capabilities


After decades as science fiction fantasy, artificial intelligence (AI) has made the leap to practical reality and is quickly becoming a competitive necessity. Yet, amidst the current frenzy of AI advancement and adoption, many leaders and decision-makers still have significant questions about what AI can actually do for their businesses.

This dossier highlights several of the most compelling, business-ready use cases for AI in your organisation. Each use case features a summary of the key business issues and opportunities, how AI can help, and the benefits that are likely to be achieved. The dossier also includes several emerging AI use cases that are expected to have a major impact on the industry in the future.

Of course, the best uses for AI vary from one organisation to the next, and there many compelling use cases for AI beyond the ones highlighted here. However, reading through this collection should give you a much clearer sense of what AI is capable of achieving in a business context—now, and over the next several years—so you can make smart decisions about when, where, and how to deploy AI within your own organisation (and how much time, money, and attention you should be investing in it today).

Aside from numerous FinTechs that are fully embracing AI, most firms in the financial services industry (FSI) are still in the very early stages of AI adoption and investment.

Although FSI leaders generally recognise and acknowledge the potential impact of AI on their businesses—and that AI is an inevitable part of the industry’s future, and the primary fuel for future growth and competitiveness—most AI investments and efforts to date have been limited to small-scale pilots and niche use cases focused on narrow parts of the business.

Read our FS industry insights

In technology, media, and telecommunications (TMT), AI adoption and maturity vary significantly by sector.

Telecom companies tend to be the furthest along at embracing AI, thanks to the sector’s longstanding focus on operational efficiency and customer acquisition/retention. AI technologies are already in widespread use both for customer-facing activities such as contact centers and customer engagement, and for back-office activities such as manufacturing and logistics. Looking ahead, the sector’s successful track record with AI in these areas is encouraging telecom companies to expand their AI efforts into new areas

Read our TMT industry insights

Stay tuned not to miss the launch of our next Industry Dossiers!

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