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Looking to the clouds: are Irish organisations amplifying the transformational value of cloud technology?

However fast or slow, tactical, or strategic an organisation’s digital adoption may be, cloud computing has the ability to play an enabling role in this transformation. Our report reveals the latest data on the state of cloud adoption in Irish organisations across a range of industries.

Why now? Current market conditions make this an interesting moment for cloud technology: in August 2021, Gartner forecasted that global cloud spending will exceed $482 billion in 2022 – a significant increase from $313 billion in 2020.

In Ireland, our survey shows that cloud adoption is rising, investment is growing, and organisations are seeing benefits. But dig a little deeper, and a picture emerges of more value to be realised by organisations in their cloud adoption. The survey results shone a light on three key areas:

  1. Business value - are Irish organisations amplifying the value of cloud to enable real transformation?
  2. Sustainability - with climate concerns at the forefront of C-suite thinking, do organisations realise that cloud implementation can help them operate more sustainably?
  3. Security – cloud, when executed correctly, is now more commonly recognised as offering enhanced security against traditional on-premise resources. Has organisations’ views of cybersecurity and cloud shifted in line with this evolution?

Is Cloud’s scalability giving your organisation the means to adopt new ways of working, operate more flexibly and deliver solutions faster? Download the report today to find out more.

Key insights

Please click on each tab below to explore the interactive charts with some of the key findings from our cloud adoption survey.

Download our key report highlights infographic

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