2022 has been an eventful year with companies facing global economic uncertainties from the Russia-Ukraine war, higher inflation rates, rising interest rates, and the acceleration of the importance of what companies are doing to combat climate change.
With all these events and changes, we continue to see increased scrutiny from regulators and a request for more transparent disclosures from both regulators and stakeholders. As part of our year end statutory reporting it is imperative to consider the developments that have occurred throughout the year to ensure we are meeting these regulators and stakeholders’ requirements.
This month’s article explores areas that regulators and stakeholders are expected to focus on in the 2022 statutory year end reporting. It is intended to guide you through some of the key items that you might consider when drafting your statutory year end reporting.
Please click here for a summary of the TCFD Status Report.
While the above are some top tips for the 2022 financial statements, there have been a wide range of topical issues impacting companies that regulators and stakeholders will be interested in for the 2022 statutory year end reporting. Accounting Roundup – Closing Out 2022 is a great summary of some of the key impacts discussed above and others that you may want to consider within your 2022 statutory year end reporting. Note that the linked document is UK based and requires amending for Irish law.
New Publications
Compendium of Financial Reporting Decisions
IFRS Model Financial Statements
Illustrative disclosures for insurers applying IFRS 17
Governance in focus — On the board agenda 2022
Our annual review of board topics will stimulate your thinking and help prepare you for the year ahead. Across the board, expectations of business are rising and it is this demanding environment which shapes the articles in this year’s publication.
Corporate Reporting Insights 2022 — Surveying FTSE reporting
Our survey of the annual reports of 50 companies from among the FTSE 350 highlights the need for more connectivity in reporting on purpose, people, planet, prosperity and resilience. We also share our findings in respect of procuring assurance.
IFRS Model Financial Statements 2022
The Model for 2022 illustrates the presentation and disclosure requirements of IFRS Standards and also contains ‘best practice’ examples.
IFRS in your pocket is a comprehensive summary of the current IFRS Standards and Interpretations along with details of the projects on the standard-setting agenda of the International Accounting Standards Board.
Our IFRS e-learning platform allows external users to complete over 40 of Deloitte’s IFRS e-learnings free of charge with 6 million+ uses in recent years.
Understanding the differences between U.S. GAAP and IFRS Standards
A comprehensive 380-page publication focusing on some of the most common and significant differences that may affect financial statements when converting from U.S. GAAP to IFRS Standards and vice versa. Updated to 2022.
Corporate governance reporting highlights - areas for future focus
Key messages and expectations for further improvements in corporate governance reporting and examples of better disclosure.
IFRS Foundation Trustees' sustainability reporting initiative
Summary of continuing developments.
Highlights some of the key accounting and disclosure issues to be considered by entities that may arise as a result of COVID-19 in preparing financial statements.