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Beyond the Campus: Real-World Experience as a Deloitte Consulting Intern

with Olamide Obadina

Olamide Obadina Shares her Experience as a Deloitte Consulting Summer Intern

Olamide Obadina shares her reflection and key learning takeaways after completing a strategy consulting internship within the operations transformation team. Read insights from Olamide as she shares concepts from gaining deep consumer industry insight to general life lessons.

4 Key Lessons I’ve Learned as a Summer Intern

As I approach the end of my strategy consulting internship within the operations transformation team, I am taking some time to reflect upon my experience and key learnings. From gaining deep consumer industry insight to general life lessons, I thought of sharing the 4 biggest lessons I’ve learned so far! 

1. There Is Power in Authenticity

Initially, I was nervous because I felt that my hard, technical skills would not be advanced enough. However, I realised that my strong soft skills - adaptability, emotional intelligence, leadership, communication, and creativity have really stood to me, especially working in a client-facing role. There are no right or wrong strengths. As I continue to deepen my hard technical skills, I am consciously leveraging my strong soft skills because I have learned that authenticity is a key competitive advantage.

2. Learn to Love Learning

No matter what stage in your career you are, learning and personal development never stop. After having conversations with senior managers, I’ve learned that due to the ever-evolving landscape of business e.g., economic influences, competition & technological advancements, there is so much power in curiosity and in the love of learning. More importantly, become comfortable with relearning, adapting, and iterating your mindset and skills!

3. Bring Your Personality & Interests to Work

Due to my interest in video filming, editing & content creation, I signed up to be a social media ambassador and I’m absolutely loving the experience. I also completed some Deloitte learning & development courses which have provided an incredible amount of detail into things like excel, project management and career navigation. I recently started the morning yoga classes before work as a way to prioritise mindfulness alongside life in corporate. You shouldn’t need to change who you are at work. Instead, look for ways to incorporate & enhance your passions and hobbies where possible.

4. Self-Awareness is Critical

Never be afraid to show that you don’t know something. No question is too small to ask. Self-awareness is key and it makes people even more willing to help you. This will enable you to truly understand your strengths, weaknesses, emotions, and motivations. This understanding will not only improve your leadership and communication skills but help you build deeper relationships with your colleagues and clients.

I hope that these lessons I’ve learned can help some people who may be starting out their journey at Deloitte. I look forward to what the future holds with a lot of excitement, gratitude and hope.  

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Summer Internships at Deloitte

A summer Internship at Deloitte kickstarts your journey within our prestigious Future Leaders Academy, as the first step in Deloitte’s award-winning graduate programme.