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Beyond the Campus: Real-World Experience as a Deloitte Audit Intern

with Conor O'Brien

Conor O'Brien shares his experience as a Deloitte Audit Summer Intern

Conor O’Brien, a third-year Commerce student at University College Dublin, is currently embarking on a dynamic summer internship at Deloitte within the Financial Services Audit Department. Throughout this 9-week program, Conor has engaged in a variety of workshops designed to hone essential business skills, coupled with hands-on training to deepen his understanding of the audit process. He discovered his interest in the Deloitte Audit Internship at the UCD Careers Fair where he invested in his future to #GrowWithDeloitte. 

My name is Conor, I am starting my third year as a Commerce student, and I am currently completing a 9-week Summer Internship at Deloitte in the Financial Services Audit Department. I attended the UCD Careers Fair earlier in the academic year where I found helpful information on the audit internship at Deloitte. This program has been full of workshops designed to improve key business skills, through hands-on experience and weekly training exercises to deepen our understanding of the audit process. 

"This program has been full of workshops designed to improve key business skills, through hands-on experience and weekly training exercises..."

The current client project I am working on is based in the aircraft leasing industry. I learned so much regarding the industry during my first few weeks at Deloitte as I was starting this client work. This is important as understanding the industry you're working in is necessary to producing high-quality auditing processes. In a typical day, I attend meetings with my team and work on different files by updating them with data we receive from the client. I also attend meetings with our client and work alongside the lead partner of the client case. The wonderful insight into audit has been made by the exposure Deloitte has given me through the work I do.  

As part of the Summer Internship Program, Deloitte has held different workshops focusing on developing key skills. The skills I am learning from these workshops include Excel, leadership, communication, and organisational skills. These skills are not only beneficial in my job within the firm, but they will continue to help me in college as well. 

"The skills I am learning from these workshops include Excel, leadership, communication, and organisational skills."

It is not all work though, as Deloitte organises numerous social activities for the interns. So far, these activities have included a scavenger hunt, a quiz night, and a party on a boat!! Recently, I also had the chance to attend Deloitte’s Summer Social party, which was a great chance to connect with my fellow interns and my team. I would strongly encourage students to pursue a Summer Internship in whatever business field they're interested in at Deloitte. The experience you gain is invaluable, and it also looks impressive on your CV. 

Conor's internship at Deloitte has not only provided him with a comprehensive understanding of the audit process within the aircraft leasing industry but has also significantly contributed to his professional development through skill-building workshops and social engagements. As he prepares to return to college for his third year at UCD, Conor looks forward to applying the knowledge and experiences gained during his time at Deloitte. For students inspired by Conor's journey and seeking similar opportunities for growth and development, visit the Deloitte Ireland careers pages to explore upcoming graduate roles and embark on your own path to success.  

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Summer Internships at Deloitte

A summer Internship at Deloitte kickstarts your journey within our prestigious Future Leaders Academy, as the first step in Deloitte’s award-winning graduate programme.