Find out more about our Chief Human Resources Officer
In 2020, we welcomed Sinead Gogan to Deloitte Ireland as our Chief Human Resources Officer. Sinead has an established track-record in developing programmes to attract, retain and motivate talent, and will be responsible for the Talent, Learning, Inclusion and Corporate Responsibility strategy for nearly 3,000 people in Ireland, leading a team of 50 talent professionals. Sinead has worked in consulting, technology and financial services, across EMEA, the USA and China.
What is your career background?
Prior to joining Deloitte, I spent 14 years at a global financial services firm in various local and international roles. This afforded me the opportunity to see a broad range of business lines, from asset management to benefits administration. Most recently, I led end-to-end HR for the Irish organisation, and was the global talent lead for associate experience within Global Business Services, which includes global delivery centres in India, Ireland and China.
I first began my HR career as an Industrial Relations and HR consultant and have an undergraduate BA degree in HR, as well as various postgraduate qualifications in employment law and organisation development.
What was the most rewarding project that you have ever worked on?
In 2014, I had the opportunity to take an international assignment and went to Dalian in North Eastern China, a city of seven million people, to lead the regional HR team in China. We arrived there with eight suitcases and a four year old, and at the top of my bag was a large Chinese employment law book! To say that I was outside of my comfort zone is an understatement, but both professionally and personally, it was the most transformative experience of my life and career.
Name someone, past or present, whom you admire?
That would have to be my husband. As a working parent, his partnership is key to my success.
If you were magically given three more hours per day, what would you do with them?
In this day and age it's a given that everyone has a lot going on. I think I would find more time to be curious outside of my work and personal life and explore things that are not on my radar. Recently, I met someone who took a week-long holiday in the hotel in her hometown and spent the time observing very familiar surroundings in a totally different way. I was blown away by that! I would also spend more time with my girlfriends, as I find it's those relationships that you don't invest as much in when you're busy.
What is the best advice you've been given from a mentor?
Not quite a mentor, but I once had the opportunity to informally meet John Pepper, the CEO of P&G for forty years and the Chairman of Disney. He shared many learnings from his career, but two things that have stuck with me and have influenced how I work and how we raise our boys are: 1. It's incredible what you can achieve if you don't care who gets the credit and 2. Believing in people more than they believe in themselves gives them high expectations.
If you're not at work, where would we find you?
Probably on the side of a hurling pitch or in a supermarket! We have two little boys, and, like most parents, have a hectic schedule of after-school activities and sports.
I also Chair the Board of Meath Women’s Refuge & Support Services, and spending time helping the team there make an impact in our community is something I’m hugely passionate about.
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