Wednesday 10 February 2021 Irish banks lag behind their global counterparts when it comes to digital maturity and digital services, according to Deloitte’s Digital Banking Maturity Study, the biggest global digital banking study undertaken to date.
Digital Banking Maturity 2020 is the fourth edition of the largest global benchmarking study of digital retail banking channels, exploring the steps leaders are taking to win in the digitalisation race. The study is based on customer input from nearly 5000 customers of 318 banks worldwide. It places banks across the globe into four categories in terms of digital banking maturity: digital champions, smart, adopters and latecomers.
While Ireland is still ranked as a digital latecomer similar to the 2018 study, Irish banks are moving closer to the adopter category. Banks in Türkiye, Spain, Poland and Russia hold their positions as digital champions. Digital champions offer their customers a wide range of functionalities and a compelling user experience. They set key digital trends and have leading market practices, making them examples to learn from. Examples of champion banks are: BBVA, Yapı ve Kredi., TürkiyeİşBankası, Santander, Mbank and Millenium.
Commenting on the report, David Dalton, Partner and Financial Services Industry leader, Deloitte Ireland, said,
Dalton concluded:
“This study highlights an opportunity for Irish banks to make a big leap forward with their digital services,” said Deloitte Partner and Digital Financial Services leader, Yvonne Byrne.
The study has identified recommendations across eight areas which, if enacted, would improve the ranking of Irish banks, as well as improving customer satisfaction, brand image and sales.
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Declan Jackson
Deloitte Ireland Communications
+353 1417 3522
Georgina Francis
Deloitte Ireland Communications
+353 1584 5459