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Mobile Consumer Survey: The Irish cut

Now known as Digital Consumer Trends

The Mobile Consumer Survey is a global survey that measures consumer preferences and habits around mobile products and services. The 2020 study included approximately 36,150 respondents across 23 countries and five continents.

2020 was never supposed to be an extraordinary year, but what a year it has been to date. COVID-19 has impacted everyone across the world.

In May - June 2020, Deloitte carried out our annual Digital Consumer Trends Survey (formally known as the Global Mobile Consumer Survey) and over the next 5 publications will explore different themes and trends arising.

  • Digital usage, including usage trends during the Coronavirus lockdown
  • Attitudes towards 5G, focusing on 5G and connectivity for consumers
  • The Future of mobile stores, focusing on mobile operator customer interaction
  • Privacy and Trust – changing attitudes to data privacy
  • Living room entertainment

Mobile Consumer Survey 2019

The smartphone is now at an inflection point. Adoption rates are nearing their natural peak with 19 out of every 20 adults in Ireland owning one. While ownership rates may be approaching a ceiling, the smart phone economy is just getting started and the smart phone industry is brimming with potential.

While recognising the role the smartphone plays in our lives, this survey draws attention to a number of specific areas, mainly around who and where mobile devices are used and the impact it plays on our lives.

Explore the 2019 report

Mobile Consumer Survey 2018

The smartphone has become intertwined into our daily lives, with 98% of smartphone owners using their devices on a daily basis. Smartphone capabilities and utilities are becoming ever greater and usage continues to evolve.

Explore the 2018 report


Mobile Consumer Survey 2017

A land of saints, scholars and smartphones

The smartphone is ten years old and year in and year out it has increasingly become an integral part of users’ lives.

Maybe it’s the Irish propensity to talk and connect but we are among the top users of smart phones in Europe with 90% penetration (UK: 85% and a European average of 88%). We are also the most likely to upgrade our phones in the next year with 44% of us intending to buy a new phone in the next year.
Most pertinent of all, on average we admit to checking our smart phones 57 times a day versus the European average of 41 times.

Explore the 2017 report

Mobile Consumer Survey 2016

There's no place like phone

The smartphone has become our primary access point to the digital world, making our lives easier and at the same time introducing new challenges. We have imagined and brought the mobile consumer to life through personas based on generational traits in order to demonstrate the complex relationship Irish people have with their mobile devices.

The preeminence of smartphones has overshadowed the adoption of other devices, including laptop computers and tablets. 80% of adults in Ireland now have access to a laptop computer and 60% have access to a tablet. The adoption of a wide range of IoT connected devices (e.g. fitness bands, smart home appliances) still nascent as consumers figure out how to incorporate IoT into their everyday lives.

Explore the 2016 report


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