Recent Deloitte research shows that Ireland is facing many of the same challenges as other developed healthcare systems.
Healthcare spending in Ireland appears slightly less than other European jurisdictions but slightly greater than the UK spend. Staff shortages and medical advances are some of the common challenges faced by healthcare systems around the world.
The need to improve and reform the health sector seems like a constant theme in Ireland. Commentators regularly point to the challenges and difficulties faced by the sector and regularly highlight its shortcomings. But is the Irish sector different to the rest of the world and do we face unique challenges? Deloitte’s 2016 Global health care outlook, suggests we are not very different from other developed economics. The report highlights that almost every developed economy is struggling to contain costs while improving patient care.
The Deloitte research, which has recently been published, shows that Ireland spends $4,233 per capita on health services. This is compared to $3,598 in the UK, $6,145 in the Netherlands, $5,006 in Germany and a staggering $9,146 in the USA.
Our research also highlights five key challenges facing healthcare systems around the world and these are equally applicable to Ireland. These challenges include: