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Answering the sustainability question in Irish Financial Services

FinSight | Future Focus

Sustainability is shaping the financial services landscape - how should Irish organisations respond?

When considering the current Irish housing market as a whole, simple economics comes to mind – demand and supply dynamics. But the intricacies within this market make it increasingly complicated to understand, and progressively challenging for both developers and buyers to navigate.

In this edition of our FinSight | Future Focus video series, Marc Aboud, ESG Risk and Regulation Lead, is interviewed 

Our video was filmed in March 2023.

Key takeaways from Laura and Mark's discussion:

Sustainability challenges:

A key challenge for organisations is understanding what sustainability regulation applies to them, by when, and how to comply with it.

Key sustainability supports:

Conducting regulatory gap analysis and identifying how they should structure themselves to best respond to sustainability matters will not only protect organisations from a risk perspective but will enable them to capitalise on emerging opportunities out of this space.

Sustainability skills requirements:

Thr required skills and talent across financial services exist – but there’s a knowledge gap. An organisation needs baseline technical knowledge that is embedded across it rather than siloed in specific areas.

The role of the CFO within sustainability:

CFO’s should build sustainability skills within their own teams; particularly around reporting, and should hone in on how sustainability trends impact their financial statements from an impairment and provisioning perspective.

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