The concept of “conduct risk” has risen to the top of firms’ and regulators’ agendas in recent years. In the UK, the FCA expects conduct risk management to be embedded into firms’ risk management frameworks, supported by appropriate management information (MI).
Building on current regulatory and supervisory expectations and our experience of what works well in practice at firms, the EMEA Centre for Regulatory Strategy have identified 10 principles of strong conduct risk MI that we believe serve as a sound foundation for conduct risk MI across all financial services firms.
Click on the links below for more information.
Linked to strategy, culture and risk management framework
Holistic and used to support analysis of trends
Efficient and proportionate
Accurate and timely
Measured and reported on at an appropriate frequency
Comprehensible and traceable
Supports open communication and challenge
Acted upon and recorded
The EMEA Centre of Regulatory Strategy monitors regulatory developments and provides an expert, objective perspective on opportunities and challenges for clients. It utilizes Deloitte's Risk and Regulation, Strategy Consulting and other relevant areas of expertise to understand, influence and advise on regulatory change, with a particular focus on the strategic business model and aggregate impacts.
The Centre is headquartered in London with local representation across Europe. Our core team of dedicated professionals have extensive experience in regulation, through a combination of former regulators and risk and regulation Strategy advisors and consultants.