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Deloitte State of the Consumer Tracker

Establishing the road to a global consumer recovery in the era of COVID-19

Increase in spending intention across all categories

December 2020 There has been an increase in consumer confidence in person-to-person services, according to Deloitte Ireland’s latest State of the Consumer Tracker, as 56% of those surveyed said they feel confident engaging with these kinds of services, up 7% on the previous wave of research. Read more

50% of Irish consumers say they would be happy to spend more on local products

Wednesday 18 November 2020 The rise of the socially-conscious shopper continues according to Deloitte’s latest State of the Consumer Tracker, as 50% of those surveyed reported that they would be happy to spend a little more money on products that are sourced locally (up 6% on the previous wave) and 40% agreed that they purchase more from brands that have responded well to the crisis (an increase of 3%). Read more

Concern over health and jobs increasing among Irish consumers – Deloitte report

Friday 16 October 2020 Irish consumers remain the most anxious in Europe for the eighth consecutive week, according to Deloitte Ireland’s State of the Consumer Tracker. This is the latest monthly survey, which tracks Irish consumers’ attitudes towards personal wellbeing, financial concerns, travel and hospitality, transport and retail. Read more

Irish consumers now most anxious in Europe – Deloitte report

Friday 4 September 2020 Irish consumers are now the most anxious in Europe, according to Deloitte Ireland’s State of the Consumer Tracker. This is the latest bi-weekly survey, which tracks Irish consumers’ attitudes towards personal wellbeing, financial concerns, travel and hospitality, transport and retail. Read more

Consumers more confident in one-to-one services such as hairdressers – Deloitte report

Thursday 23 July 2020 Consumer confidence remained steady into July, while Ireland is now second in Europe for consumer confidence in visiting stores in person, according to Deloitte Ireland’s State of the Consumer Tracker. This is the latest of the new bi-weekly survey, which tracks Irish consumers’ attitudes towards personal wellbeing, financial concerns, travel and hospitality, transport and retail. Read more

More than half of Irish consumers want to make purchases in-store – Deloitte report

Thursday 25 June 2020: Consumer confidence remains consistent in Ireland, with more than half (58%) of Irish consumers wanting to make purchases in-store and feeling safe (56%) in doing so, according to Deloitte Ireland’s State of the Consumer Tracker. This is the latest of the new bi-weekly survey, which tracks Irish consumers’ attitudes towards personal well-being, financial concerns, travel and hospitality, transport and retail. Read more

Nearly half of Irish consumers delaying large purchases – Deloitte study

28 May 2020: 44% of Irish consumers have stated they are delaying expenditure on large purchases according to the Deloitte State of the Consumer Tracker, a longitudinal study exploring the consumer mind-set in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the first of a new bi-weekly survey which will track Irish consumers’ attitudes towards personal wellbeing, financial concerns, travel and hospitality, transport and retail. Read more

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