Since 2017 it has been mandatory for employees under most work schemes to have their salary paid into a Danish bank account, which has put an administrative burden on Danish companies employing foreign nationals.
The government has proposed to abolish the bank account requirement for companies that are certified to employ foreign nationals. The exemption will cover permits under the Fast Track Scheme’s pay limit-, researcher-, educational- and short-term tracks as well as residence permits for researchers (Forskerordningen).
For the work schemes still covered by the Danish bank account requirement, the proposition is to extend the deadline for setting up a Danish bank account from 90 days to 180 days.
This is a much-welcomed change that will alleviate administration and increase the flexibility for companies that are hiring internationally, since the international work force is only expected to increase in Denmark.
The suggested date for the new rules to come into effect is 1 July 2024.
We will follow the case closely for any updates.
If your company has more than 10 full-time employees and would like to become certified, please reach out to our team.