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Crisis and Resilience

Deloitte’s Crisis and Resilience offering helps organizations assess and monitor risks that could cause disruptions to operations and prevent and avoid crisis when possible. Our services span the entire crisis lifecycle, helping clients identify, assess, prevent, prepare, respond to and recover from crisis.


In an ever-changing market and volatile world, it is a challenge for many organisations to adequately monitor situations that cause crises.

  • Geopolitical, legal, commercial, or military conflicts
  • Internal incidents that could jeopardise critical assets, reputation, and/or financial standing
  • A deliberate cyber-attack resulting in theft, product tampering or leak of confidential information
  • Natural or man-made destructive events that disrupt business operations

In addition, many organisation today may experience that they have:

  • Lack of a comprehensive, up to date crisis management plan documenting ability to effectively manage an incident
  • Lack of a comprehensive resiliency plan to reduce likelihood of market value decline or brand and reputation damage due to a real or perceived incident or accidental, mismanaged or sabotaged system failure.
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