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Financial Due Diligence

Deloitte has been on the forefront of helping clients meet the myriad challenges of financial crime issues for decades, utilising in-depth sector experience and financial crime domain knowledge and drawing on a global network of intelligence analysts to deliver that expertise.

Our main objective is to provide focused support to investors, acquirers and vendors in assessment of strengths and weaknesses, value areas and risks of different transactions, helping them reach informed and thorough decisions in their M&A strategies. Our financial due diligence team is focused on validating and understanding the financial risks, trends and composition of the involved companies.

With a client portfolio consisting of privately held companies, listed corporations and private equity funds, we have great experience in providing the required value-add advisory, which supports the specific needs of each client.

Our team has been involved in numerous deals both domestically and internationally, and we have long-lasting relationships with local experts within our different member firms to support on complex cross-border deals. Our senior team has dedicated industry focus within main sectors and hence have the experience and knowledge required for the specific transactions.