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Supply Chain Operations

What is a good strategy if it is not reflected in the daily operations and what are excellent operations if it is not guided by the strategy and aligned across the company? For most companies this is not rocket science, but the struggle occurs when bridging strategy and operations in practice.

Bridging strategy and supply chain operations
Deloitte’s supply chain operations services help clients bridging strategy and supply chain operations by translating strategic objectives into operational actions and capabilities. Our professional’s deep supply chain and system knowledge combined with expertise in translating strategy into operations enable us to transform our client’s businesses. Increased efficiency and transparency, harmonized processes as well as improved capacity utilization are only a few examples of supply chain benefits to be expected when designing the target operating model

What we deliver
We deliver our competencies within three categories including technology and supply chain-led transformations as well as efficiency, cost and service level driven projects.

How we work
We apply a five-step supply chain assessment approach when executing projects. The first step includes an AS-IS assessment of the area under investigation followed by benchmark and best practice research. As a third step gap analysis is conducted after which improvement opportunities are defined. Finally, a roadmap and business case are build creating the fundamentals for further design and implementation.