The world is evolving, and sustainability is increasingly put on the agenda for companies and individuals. 79% of survey respondents in Deloitte’s supply chain panel have observed marked movements and trends within the field that they operate related to sustainbility. The trends span broad from recycled material to working condictiones and scope 3 emissions, however what is common for all respondents is a need for measuring and the huge commercialization potential.
"Most companies struggle to live up to and comply to the many new regulatory requirements. Only a few successful leaders achieve to go beyond the compliance sludge. Their magic trick is simply to refocus on the value creation instead of compliance and turn sustainable supply chain thinking into a competitive weapon that generate company growth and profit while delivering to the compliance ask from authorities and customers – not an easy task but with the right approach and tool everyone can harvest these benefits from being sustainable”, states Henrik Knak, Nordic Sustainable Supply Chain lead in Deloitte.
Deloitte’s report on commercializing sustainable supply chains sheds light on this topic. In the report you can learn about the market trends and how to tackle these, explore how other companies are pursuing the topic, and learn how your company can create customer value through commercialization of sustainability in your supply chain.
The survey was conducted towards Deloitte’s supply chain panel in June 2023, while the report was published in August 2023.