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Overholder din årsrapport årsregnskabsloven eller IFRS? Fortolkes loven eller IFRS rigtigt på vanskelige områder? Disse - og mange andre spørgsmål om såvel årsregnskabsloven som IFRS - er vi i Deloitte altid parate til at hjælpe dig og din virksomhed med, uanset størrelsen på din virksomhed.

Does your annual report comply with the Financial Statements Act or IFRS? Is the law or IFRS properly interpreted in difficult areas? These - and many other questions about both the Financial Statements Act and IFRS - we at Deloitte are always ready to help you and your business.

Deloitte Update

Hold dig skarp med relevante og topaktuelle nyheder om trends, tendenser og nye tiltag.

Accounting advice

We are always up to date with the latest developments in the accounting field - in Denmark as well as internationally.

IFRS reporting

We provide you with qualified advice on complex IFRS issues and provide proactive advice on developments