The insights provide a guide to the 2022 levels of board and executive remuneration in Danish C25 companies. However, it is important to note that the analysis is based on information disclosed in remuneration reports relating to financial periods ending between September and December 2022 and therefore the analyses do not always fully reflect the very latest approaches.
In many markets, a clear correlation exists between executive remuneration and the size of a company, and this provides a useful starting point in the benchmarking process. However, there are several factors that also affect remuneration policies, for example, industry/sector, the degree of internationality, the complexity of the business and total shareholders returns.
In a separate analysis, we note that Danish C25 companies adjust their median board member base pay with inflation of approx. 3.2% on average over the last two years, and this is the only substantial change proposed for the 2023 AGM season.
In 2023, we believe boards should discuss to increase base pay and multiples, as significantly more time is to be spend in disruptive times to also address megatrends, such as digital and ESG.