Up, up, up. Throughout the 2022-2023 financial year, it sometimes seemed like this was the only direction things were heading. Inflation, and in turn interest rates, skyrocketing. Energy prices soaring. Global temperatures rising alarmingly, leading to long heatwaves and raging wildfires. And on top of all this, growing geopolitical uncertainty and mounting tensions.
At the end of the rainbow is… a sustainable culture based on diversity in all its dimensions and a focus on well-being. Strong values, purpose, diversity, and social responsibility are what I believe a firm like Deloitte should help foster - within our f irm, but also at our clients and in society.
This past year has seen unprecedented uncertainty, and we have focused on responding, recovering and thriving post the pandemic. We have continued to reshape our business and helped our clients reshape theirs by building resilient leadership, making businesses more agile and accelerating innovation.
As a global as well as Danish organisation we are very concerned with the impact that COVID-19 will have on many societies, their families and daily lives. We are helping many societies around the world, their governments, institutions and corporates in fighting and recovering from the pandemic.
In our annual report you can read some of our proudest moments from the past year with impact for clients, our people and society.
A selection of our proudest moments of impact for clients, our people and for society.
I Deloitte er det vores fornemste opgave at tage et ansvar i samfundet, at hjælpe vores kunder med at skabe en bæredygtig forretning og tilbyde vores talenter en af Danmarks bedste arbejdspladser.
Med 9% vækst i 2016/17 passerer Deloitte Danmark, som det første rådgivnings- og revisionsfirma, en omsætning på 3 milliarder kr.
Vi har skabt forandringer og vækst for vores kunder og Deloitte gennem dedikerede medarbejdere og målrettede investeringer. Den globale Deloitte-integration er øget markant de seneste år og vil fortsætte i den kommende til – til gavn for både kunder og medarbejdere. Dette tydeliggøres bl.a. af etableringen af ét nyt, nordisk medlemsfirma, Deloitte Nordic.
Med et stort fokus på at afdække og realisere potentialer har vi styrket vores forretning. Det er et skridt på vejen, i vores nye, ambitiøse strategi om at blive ubestridt markedsleder. Med afsæt i en fælles ’culture of purpose’, vil vi forandre markedet og styrke vores kunder og medarbejdere med en gennemslagskraft, der kan mærkes – læs hvordan i årsrapporten 2014/2015.