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Cyprus: An update to Governmental measures for the tackling of the effects of COVID-19 in Cyprus

Support Schemes for businesses and individuals


The latest developments on the support schemes issued by the Republic of Cyprus following the measures adopted in response to the pandemic, regarding businesses and employees.

The document is published in Greek.

Support measures for the economy


On 9 January 2021, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Labour, presented a new support package for the Cypriot economy, that aims to support the market from the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. On the 17 February 2021, the Ministry of Councils approved amendments on the interest subsidy schemes.

These measures are explained in detail in English.


Tax measures in response to COVID-19


The latest developments on the tax measures adopted by the Republic of Cyprus in response to COVID-19.

The document is published in Greek.


You can also follow our Cyprus Tax Alerts for the latest local tax developments, including COVID-19 tax measures updates.

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