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International Franchise Handbook 2021

An overview of franchising laws in 42 countries to help you research, structure and evaluate countries for expansion.

Growing internationally through owned outlets, shops or offices is generally cost intensive, difficult to manage in a world more disconnected than before the pandemic and commercially risky. Franchising, therefore, may have become a more attractive proposition for many companies wishing to expand internationally. The impact of the pandemic on franchising has made it even more important to understand the legal measurements implemented to support the various economies.​​

Knowing how to structure your franchise and to identify the next steps for expansion into other countries, is crucial. This handbook aims to provide an overview of franchise law in 42 countries covering, for each, the essentials for franchisors, the relevant areas of law, selected aspects such as fees and dispute resolution and applicable law.​​

The handbook is available to download here today, but for a confidential discussion about your industry sector, aspects of national or international law, contact your Deloitte Legal partner today.

We are here to help. Whether you'd like to arrange a meeting to discuss your organisation's needs or you'd like us to respond to your RFP, feel free to contact us.

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