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Dbriefs Podcasts

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Dbriefs Podcasts is a regular video and audio news podcast series that focusses on the latest tax news and developments that could affect your business.

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Global remote work policy

There has been a paradigm shift when it comes to reimagining the workplace prompted by COVID-19. An employee-friendly measure that several global organisations are evaluating is a ‘Global – Work from Anywhere’ policy. This podcast gives you an overview of the reason this policy is reflective of a post COVID-19 ‘future of work’ and sums up the Indian tax implications to be borne in mind by employers and employees, with regards to employees opting to work out of India for the permitted duration.

Italian Incentives provided by the Italian Recovery Plan (PNNR)

The Italian recovery plan is being introduced with a goal of enhancing the Italian recovery after the crisis induced by the pandemic. Part of the measures introduced provide a wide range of tax credit to boost the transformation of the Italian industrial system by driving more and more investment in innovation, industry 4.0 asset, R&D expenses, design and digital transformation. Tax credit introduced are easy to be calculated and suitable to offset any type of tax liabilities, so that they can be considered cash grant equivalent . The new rules offers a number of benefits from a tax perspective and is an exciting development for companies that have invested or are investing in Italy. This podcast provides an update on the legislative process and a brief overview of the rules.

The UK Asset Holding Companies Regime

The new UK Asset Holding Companies (AHC) regime is being introduced as part of a wider review of the UK funds regime, with a goal of enhancing the UK's competitiveness as a location for asset management and for investment funds. The new regime offers a number of benefits from a tax perspective and is an exciting development for our clients operating in this space. This videocast provides an update on the legislative process and a brief overview of the rules.

Company Provided Housing Scheme in Japan

Company provided housing, if structured properly can provide tax benefits to employees. It is a popular employee benefit scheme that will help companies retain and attract the best talent in a competitive market. In this podcast, our Japan professionals will present the general conditions that should be met in structuring the company provided housing scheme and how Deloitte can help from a tax and legal perspective with the implementation of the plan or reviewing the existing programmes.

Extra Territorial Taxation – Germany focussed

A number of countries have introduced the taxation of royalties based only on the registration of intellectual property. The Asia Pacific based owner of IP may have tax obligations in Germany on royalties received from outside of Germany but where the underlying IP is registered in Germany. Hear what Claus Schuermann (Tax Partner, Deloitte APICE) has to share on the current developments in Germany.

Crypto tax in Australia

With the resurgence of Cryptocurrencies, there are an increasing number of traders, mining and companies worldwide using them for a host of investment, operational, as well as transactional purposes.In this episode, Neil Pereira (Tax Partner, Deloitte Australia) will speak to us about the current tax treatment of cryptocurrency gains in Australian context.

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