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Dbriefs Asia Pacific Tax Webcasts

Anticipating tomorrow's complex issues and new strategies is a challenge. Navigating what's next with Dbriefs that give you valuable insights on important developments affecting your business in Asia Pacific

Corporate Income Tax

Global Minimum Tax (Pillar Two) with Oracle’s TRCS – the how and what!

28 March, 2:00 – 3:00 PM SGT (GMT +8)

Host: Piyus Vallabh

Presenters: Liew Li Mei, Sarvesararao Madhav and Kenneth Kramer

Pillar Two, the key components of which are commonly referred to as the "global minimum tax" introduces a minimum effective tax rate of at least 15%. This is calculated based on a specific rule set with various computations involving financial and tax data further modified by certain elections.
This changes the way MNEs pay tax globally and creates a significant data and reporting challenge for MNEs. In this webcast we will share with you a recap of the concepts and rules and how they may impact your existing tax reporting processes. We will also demo Oracle TRCS, as an example, on what you may expect when it comes to compliance and technology. In this webcast, we will discuss:

  • What are the latest updates on Pillar Two?
  • What are the data and reporting challenges anticipated?
  • As one of the technology solution provider, how Oracle TRCS can help in preparing for and complying with Pillar Two requirements.
  • What next?

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Indirect Tax

Export Controls: regional updates and how to deal with transfers of intangibles

13 April, 2:00 – 3:00 PM SGT (GMT +8)

Host: Suzanne Kao

Presenters: Chian Voen Wong, Dolly Zhang

Export controls and sanctions are taking a more prominent place on the global scene. The geo-political tensions tend to employ the use of export controls and sanctions even more across the globe. During this session, we will review the different updates and trends in the key export regimes and how they affect Asia Pacific the introduction of human rights as a reason for export controls, and addressing emerging technologies and how to identify, track and trace strategic intangibles transfers. The session will close with exploring the actions companies may take to face the raising complexity of the matter. During the webcast, we will discuss:

  • China export control development and trends.
  • SEA export control developments and impact of global export control trends on SEA businesses.
  • US Export controls extraterritorial impact on Australasia businesses and tips on multinational export controls compliance programme development.

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