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Adapt the workplace

Shift the mindset from physical to "phy-gital"

Pre-pandemic scepticism of remote work has been dispelled as most organisations have seen very real advantages to flexible working, including increased productivity, reduced operating costs and improved profitability.

But, given that most organisations and their employees will continue to benefit from in-person collaboration, leaders will need to shift their mindset of the workplace from either physical or digital to “phy-gital”—combining the best of both physical proximity and digital efficiency. Ultimately, the goal must be to redefine the work environment so that it enables workers to deliver their best work while having flexibility to adapt to change and thrive.

Digital workers can be classified by discernment and initiative

Not everyone on a team needs to be digitally competent for the team itself to be digitally competent.

Rather, digital competence is an emergent property of the team, arising from the attitudes to digital technology among team members.

Three ways to challenge how we think about the workplace

Organisations have an opportunity to redefine their workplace, but it is up to leadership to shift their mindset on some of the key “rules” of work and begin to evolve new ways of working that foster a productive, engaged and motivated workforce. This shift is key to enabling productivity, ensuring a more human experience for their workforce and effectively managing autonomous and networked teams.

COVID-19 has radically changed the expectations of where and how we work going forward, leading to the development of a broader office ecosystem that has expanded beyond the traditional office space, encompassing both physical and digital environments. The ability of organisations to reap the benefits of a hybrid work model are dependent on looking at the hybrid workplace with a strategic eye that’s data-driven, team-focussed and collaborative in approach.

Digital transformation has accelerated as businesses transition from old models to new virtual ways of working. The new digital workplace will require innovative combinations of technologies integrated correctly and a re-architecture of work to elevate the human ways of working.

Our latest thinking on the workplace

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