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Introducing TrustIQ™

Presenting actionable insights, TrustIQ measures and quantifies performance across seventeen dimensions of trust.

Deloitte's TrustIQ™ diagnostic provides you with an opportunity to quantify the current state of Trust at your organisation. By evaluating your organisation's performance across 17 domains and comparing your scores against leading practices, TrustIQ™ illuminates the priority focus areas for your organisation. Unlock the Trust advantage by taking decisive action to protect, strengthen and amplify Trust with stakeholders across your ecosystem.

Make Trust actionable: Five steps to embed Trust in your organisation

At Deloitte, we help our clients follow a structured approach to quantify and enhance Trust, leveraging a suite of diagnostic solutions. As the adage goes, you can only effectively manage what you can measure. The following steps can help support a company’s journey to becoming a trusted organisation:

What does Trust mean within the context of your industry and sector? We work with organiSations to capture the initial perception of Trust within their walls, then determine if and how these perceptions differ across departments, business units and/or geographies where they operate. We start to develop an understanding of what Trust expectations exist in the eyes of different stakeholders.

The next step is making Trust measurable. To that end, we’ve developed a set of Trust measurement capabilities that measure:

  • Actions an organiSation can take to elevate levels of Trust
  • Calculation of point-in-time levels of Trust with key stakeholders

After collecting and analySing data, the results are juxtaposed with industry and sector benchmarks, ultimately providing a detailed, quantitative assessment of Trust, including gaps, strengths and opportunities for that enterprise.

Once an organiSation is equipped with relevant data and is able to diagnose where Trust gaps may exist, laying out a prioritiSed set of actions is essential. In an effort to determine what to act on first, we work with organiSations, leveraging our research and benchmarking studies, to assist organiSations as they prioritiSe the key areas of focus to help enhance, protect and rebuild Trust.

This part of the process is essential and likely the most difficult: changing the organisation from within and determining whether a high degree of competence and the right intent are applied to the items that are deemed highest priority and seeing those changes through. Trust rises and wanes over time, so exploring, diagnosing, prioritising and acting on Trust should become part of the DNA of every organisation and repeated on an ongoing basis.

Like the most important things in life, Trust is never a one-and-done proposition. Rather, the attitude toward it should be one of constant nurture, looking for gaps and addressing vulnerabilities before they occur. While each Trust phase leads to the next, Protect is unique in that it’s ongoing and permeates every phase. Protect ensures that the hard work you’re putting in now is preserved regardless of the dynamic—a constantly shifting set of variables that your organisation might face. With a vigilance that adjusts to each new circumstance, Trust—along with all its benefits—can thrive.

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