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Secure Travel & Trade

COVID-19 has fundamentally transformed the way in which people and goods move across borders. As governments across the world work to reopen their borders, reengage in the global economy and develop the technology and operating models required to thrive in the post-COVID-19 world economy, security—border, economic, health and supply chain—has taken centre stage. Through Supply Chain Resilience, Digital Travel & Health Credentials and Global Customs & Trade, Deloitte offers a robust solution set for governments to establish and maintain trust, increase resiliency, restart economies and enhance the citizen experience.

Supply Chain Resilience

Organisations across multiple sectors are reliant on highly specialised, geographically disaggregated supply chains that are at risk of disruption. This is heightened because of the historical prioritisation of efficiency over resilience and limited visibility into complex supplier networks. Deloitte’s Supply Chain Resilience capabilities provide clients with insight into their multi-tiered, multi-geography supply chain vulnerabilities and actionable steps to minimise exposure, reduce supply chain risk and leverage opportunities.

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Embedding trust into COVID-19 recovery

Four dimesnsions of stakeholders trust

Supply Chain Resilience

Digital Travel & Health Credentials

Global customs and trade

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