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Reimagine talent strategy and operating model

Workforce: A priority for CEOs, CHROs and CSOs as they learn from crisis and emerge stronger

Five adaptability levers for COVID-19:

Navigating your organisation through uncharted territory

Organisations around the world are considering how to maintain business continuity in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis. For many businesses, the current and coming challenges have exposed the inadequacies of their current structure, and highlighted the need to be adaptable and resilient. This article identifies the challenges to organisations, ecosystems and individuals, and looks at various ways to start addressing this situation.

Topics covered in this article:

  • Organisational risks during uncertain times
  • Shifts in thinking needed to build a resilient mindset
  • Steps to take to support greater adaptability with leadership, ecosystems, organisations, teams and individuals

Five adaptability levers for COVID-19 : Download the report

Addressing the impact of COVID-19

Workforce strategies and considerations

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing a dynamic and uncertain workforce supply and demand. The short term will be challenging, with temporary workforce reductions certain. It is important, however, to make these short-term decisions with strong consideration of the long term, to achieve a balance between weathering the storm today while enabling a speedy recovery tomorrow. This requires consideration of the talent strategies and skill sets that will be critical to the future success of the business.

Topics covered in this article:

  • How the pandemic will be a catalyst for change in workforce strategy
  • Practical short-term steps that can mitigate long term challenges
  • Short, medium, and long-term talent strategy considerations
  • The impact of accelerating reskilling and automation
  • How to determine the best labour reduction strategy

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Crisis management & resilience planning

Being proactive during disruption

Although the full impact of COVID-19 is still unknown, many organisations are being impacted by declining sales and reduced consumer demand, supply chain disruptions and transport restrictions. These issues will have a domino effect on global markets with the escalating risk likely to impact those not yet directly affected by COVID-19. These companies need to consider their pandemic preparedness measures and be proactive and prepared. This article focusses on risk identification and organisational exposure; identifying critical dependencies; and how to develop pragmatic and effective crisis and resilience solutions.

Topics covered in this article:

  • Assessing the impact of a crisis on employees, assets, operations, stakeholders and reputation
  • Understanding and managing risks in a time of disruption
  • Practical steps in developing a proportionate crisis and resilience response plan

Crisis management & resilience planning : Download now

Evaluating executive compensation during an economic crisis

When and how to modify compensations programmes

The COVID-19 pandemic is devasting economies and forcing businesses into a state of uncertainty. As companies take action to protect the safety and well-being of their employees, they may face challenges with their executive compensation plans. This article discusses if and how executive compensation programmes should be modified in response to the crisis, focussing on the role of shareholders and employees, economic impacts to the company and incentive programmes.

Topics in the article include:

  • How to determine if executive compensation programmes should be modified, including brand impact and shareholder expectations
  • Options on how annual executive compensation can be altered
  • The role of stock incentives and stock market performance in executive compensation

Evaluating executive compensation during an economic crisis : Download now

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