To Thrive, Brands Rethink Revenue Management
26 August, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Jennifer D. Fisher
While the economic impact of COVID-19 is not yet fully understood, competitive dynamics, supply chains and customer needs are shifting quickly. The rapid pace of change highlights a need for CMOs and other C-suite leaders to refresh their revenue management strategies.
Enhance Cross-Border Investigations Amid New Risks
10 August, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Tammy Whitehouse
Internal investigations across international borders were already challenging. Travel restrictions and remote work arrangements resulting from COVID-19 have made such investigations even more difficult. To respond to increased fraud risk and heightened regulatory scrutiny, organisations may need to recalibrate investigative strategies.
Tax Departments Adjust to Pandemic Conditions
4 August, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By John Labate
Working remotely and virtually during the COVID-19 outbreak has exposed critical gaps at many tax departments. CFOs can work with tax leadership to identify process improvements as well as potential benefits that can be derived from more efficient operating models.
Internal Auditors Shift Focus in Financial Services
28 July, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Adam Regelbrugge and Manu Mankad
The modernisation and digitisation of internal controls is taking on a new level of urgency, particularly among internal auditors in financial services. Manual, paper-based processes are quickly falling out of favour in the new world of remote work.
In Evolving Consumer Products Space, Data Fills Gap
27 July, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By James Cascone, Aditya Shiralkar, Naba Sengupta and Danny Lin
As consumer products companies adjust business models to address unprecedented uncertainty, some are finding that cognitive risk sensing and the data and insights it delivers, is helping to identify emerging risks, enable early intervention and create a competitive advantage.
COVID-19 May Bring Lasting Change to CFO Recruiting
24 July, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Andy Marks
Five executive recruiters who specialise in CFO searches discuss how the pandemic could alter recruiting and hiring over the long term and how the crisis may permanently reshape the market for finance leaders long after the COVID-19 crisis passes.
Letter From China: Virus Changes the Business Landscape
20 July, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Joe Guastella and Ken DeWoskin
Expanded economic direction and increased monitoring activities by the central government since the COVID-19 outbreak are changing the business environment in China. Understanding these shifts, including policymakers’ new priorities and structural changes to Chinese manufacturing capacity and supply chains, can help CFOs of multinationals operating in China assess new risks and opportunities and adapt their business models to the evolving business landscape.
COVID-19 Hastens Transformation in Healthcare
17 July, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Simon Gisby
The pandemic has propelled consumers and the healthcare sector toward a new model of care centred on wellness rather than illness. Organisations that develop the capability to capture and synthesise new datasets may become the leaders in this new approach.
Roll Cameras: Safely Resuming Production on Set
15 July, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Kris Pettersen
While TV, films, video games and music fill more free time than ever, most new content remains on hold until physical production can safely resume. CIOs at production studios can leverage well-established healthcare solutions to help keep employees safe and mitigate potential risk as studios work to get actors and production crews back in action.
CCOs Navigate New Risk and Compliance Landscape
13 July, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Howard Friedman, Jack Tanselle and James Siciliano
Pandemic-related disruption may have exposed existing risk and compliance weaknesses or created new ones for organisations to address. Chief compliance officers have a pivotal role to play in reassessing priorities and driving critical discussions meant to ensure adherence to corporate values as organisations recover and move forward.
Virus Impacts Call Attention to SOC for Supply Chain
8 July, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Dan Kinsella
As supply chain leaders rethink many aspects of their extended enterprise ecosystems, they may be reprioritising their risks. A new SOC report may be a useful tool to give them greater visibility into system and organisation controls that are meant to assure performance.
Reboot: Top Priorities for Resilient Recovery
7 July, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Sharon Goldman
Organisations are determining how to reopen physical locations safely and support workers who continue to work remotely. A thoughtful, broad-based reboot can help business leaders address workforce issues including health, wellness and productivity.
Investment Firms Contemplate New Ways to Work
6 July, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Krissy Davis
Compliance, risk and internal audit leaders at investment management firms are rethinking many aspects of operations to move forward in a world transformed by a pandemic. Clients, culture and talent are top of mind as they determine how to define and configure a new workplace.
Carveouts May Become Critical in Pandemic Recovery
2 July, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Tammy Whitehouse
A recently altered economic landscape may drive new divestitures as companies reconsider their core business strategies and search for capital to fund operations and investment. A well-planned transaction can entice buyers looking for opportunities, but the value proposition remains critical.
Supporting Growth Strategies Through a Crisis: Deloitte CFO Janet Lewell
2 July, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Andy Marks
Deloitte CFO Janet Lewell discusses how to develop long-term growth strategies and opportunistic investments in the current crisis environment, with steps to monitor and guide effective plan execution.
Workday CIO on Recovery: ‘Culture Leads the Way’
2 July, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Katherine Noyes
For CIOs, navigating the post-COVID-19 era depends heavily on culture, communication and C-suite collaboration, according to Sheri Rhodes, CIO at Workday. Among her tips: “We’ve got to be able to operate in an agile way.”
Steeped in Tech, Virtual Close May Redefine Future
4 June, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Tammy Whitehouse
Closing the books virtually may have sparked new ideas on how to improve the process in future reporting periods. Adoption of technologies to automate many aspects, including internal control over financial reporting and control testing, is likely to accelerate.
COVID-19 Compels Eli Lilly to Fast, Decisive Action
3 June, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Karen Scherberger
Pharmaceuticals provider Eli Lilly and Company has much to offer in the battle against COVID-19 and is targeting its specialised capabilities to solve problems everywhere it can. Daniel M. Skovronsky, M.D., Ph.D. and chief scientific officer at Lilly, describes his experiences leading through a pandemic, the company?s contributions to the fight and the resilience that comes with a ?never say never? attitude.
Leveraging the Cloud to Transform: Pegasystems CFO
2 June, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Josh Hyatt
For software maker Pegasystems, the switch from selling perpetual licences to a subscription-based revenue model required more than re-orienting customers, re-educating employees and reassuring investors. CFO Ken Stillwell reveals how the transformation in product strategy ultimately led the business to reformulate its organisational DNA.
IT Service Delivery and Sourcing During COVID-19
28 May, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Katherine Andrea Noyes
The current pandemic will likely require many organisations to alter their sourcing and delivery strategies for IT services. With the right approach, they can not only respond and recover today but also position themselves to thrive in the future.
SOC Report Can Help Build Supply Chain Resilience
26 May, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Tammy Whitehouse
A new report on controls at service organisations may be a tool to consider for companies looking to build more resilience into supply chains. Borrowing from widely accepted SOC reporting frameworks, the system of assuring controls efficacy promotes information sharing that can improve transparency in extended networks.
Financial Scenario-planning Tailored For Rapid Change
26 May, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Andrew Samuel Marks
Five actions can help CFOs develop nimbler and more effective financial forecasting processes despite the ongoing pandemic. This second article in a two-part series discusses the last three principles for forecasting under extreme uncertainty: tailoring scenarios to specific contexts and challenges, identifying and monitoring early indicators and reforecasting often.
Higher Education Leaders Tackle Slate of New Risks
22 May, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Tammy Whitehouse
Colleges and universities closed out the spring semester this month, but it's a good bet their leaders will spend part of the summer discussing and addressing a deluge of new risks created by COVID-19 impacts. Some institutions may find silver linings as they consider new learning models. Those that seize new opportunities may be the ones who define the future of secondary education.
Next Normal Internal Controls Promote Digitisation
21 May, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Tammy Whitehouse
The COVID-19 outbreak provided many organisations with stark realisations of how vulnerable their internal control structures were to significant business disruption. Now that many have made a rapid shift to digital solutions, the push toward modernising controls is likely to intensify.
The Virtual CFO: Rethink How You Relate to Others
18 May, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Patricia M Brown
Surinder Kahai, associate professor of information systems at SUNY Binghamton, discusses how finance leaders can overcome the challenges of sustaining team relationships in a world of remote work, in this second of two articles on virtual leadership.
Crisis Leadership: Reframe Evolving Risks to Thrive
18 May, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Marie Leone
By revisiting five traditional crisis management principles and adjusting them to better align with the uncertainty of the current COVID-19 outbreak, organisations can help to smooth the path to recovery and set a course to thrive.
Experience Brief: The Role of Emotions in Healthcare
15 May, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Mary Eileen Morrison
As healthcare leaders adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic and begin to plan for the future, it?s critical they pause to acknowledge the foundational role human emotions and experiences play in the healthcare industry.
Incentive Compensation During a Downturn
14 May, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By John George Labate
Falling share prices and uncertain growth prospects due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic have many companies considering whether the time is right to amend incentive compensation programmes.
Navigating Operational Strain, Brands Look to Future
13 May, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Jennifer Fisher
While the immediate challenges of the coronavirus pandemic may feel overwhelming, businesses would be well served to consider long-term brand health, too. Maintaining a strong brand reputation and solid customer relationships may require enterprises to revise operating standards and reassess customer and employee communications.
Compliance Brief: COVID-19 Disrupts Internal Probes
13 May, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Marie Leone
The pandemic?s ripple effects include its impact on internal investigations as travel restrictions and social distancing alter the process at many companies. From determining which cases go forward to understanding the nuances of remote interviews, three legal specialists discuss the likely modifications corporate investigators may have to initiate in this second article of a two-part series about company-led enquiries.
4 Scenarios Envision a World Remade by COVID-19
12 May, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Karen Scherberger
Scenario planning can be a valuable tool for navigating uncertainty by telling stories about how the future could unfold. A team of scenario-planning powerhouses put their heads together and devised four planning scenarios for leadership teams everywhere to consider. These are their stories.
Scenario Planning Purpose-Built for Uncertain Times
11 May, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Karen Scherberger
In this interview, Peter Schwartz, noted futurist, author and senior vice president of strategic planning at Salesforce and Andrew Blau, managing director at Deloitte Consulting LLP, share their thoughts on scenario planning, including what it is, how senior leaders can use it and how it can bolster resilience in times of crisis.
The Virtual CFO: Consider Remote Work?s Psychological Impacts
11 May, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Patricia M Brown
In the first of two articles, Surinder Kahai, associate professor of information systems at SUNY Binghamton, discusses impacts of virtualisation, psychological issues that can arise from remote work and techniques executives can use to manage effectively and help improve the well-being of employees.
Pension Plan Considerations Under the CARES Act
7 May, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By John George Labate
Stock market declines and ongoing economic uncertainties, combined with new provisions under the CARES Act, have companies taking a closer look at their defined benefit pension plans and obligations. Now may be the time to consider de-risking strategies and other changes to support pension obligations within the context of long-term strategic objectives.
What Social Sensing Is Telling Us About COVID-19
4 May, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Mary Eileen Morrison
The path forward may be unclear for many brands, but consumer insights can provide valuable guideposts. Heat and Deloitte Consulting LLP?s Mike Barrett and Jocelyn Lee discuss how marketers can use and apply data from social sensing to more effectively meet customers? needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Pandemic May Heighten Internal Control Risks
4 May, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Tammy Whitehouse
In light of COVID-19 disruption, regulators have granted public companies relief with respect to many filing deadlines, but they have not revised requirements regarding the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting. Companies may need to evaluate control risks on multiple fronts to address any recent changes that could compromise those functions.
Financial Forecasting for Extreme Uncertainties
4 May, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Andrew Samuel Marks
Scenario-based financial forecasting can help CFOs assess their company?s capabilities to withstand the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and plan for future growth opportunities. Consider the steps involved in developing a nimble and effective forecasting process for an uncertain and fast-changing business environment.
Contact Centres Respond, Adapt to COVID-19 Crisis
30 April, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Kristen Marya M Pettersen
COVID-19 delivered a double blow to contact centres: Within days, many had to shift to virtual workplaces, while call volumes surged. Despite these challenges, the crisis may present contact centre leaders an opportunity to rethink operations and improve customer experience.
Ask Critical Cash, Credit Questions as Crisis Continues
30 April, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Tammy Whitehouse
Liquidity and working capital have become important priorities for many organisations as pandemic-related disruption persists. Organisations can take steps to address sudden shortfalls and shore up arrangements with creditors in an effort to steer through choppy waters. Government relief is also an option, but with important conditions to consider.
Global Marketing Trends in a New Normal
29 April, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Jennifer Fisher
Though the world has changed dramatically due to the coronavirus pandemic, the principles outlined in Deloitte?s 2020 Global Marketing Trends remain fundamental. These themes offer guideposts for businesses seeking to respond to, recover from, and thrive in spite of the crisis.
Taking on Post-Pandemic Extended Enterprise Risk
29 April, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Tammy Whitehouse
Downstream risks in extended enterprise ecosystems can be difficult to assess and mitigate, especially for complex organisations with multiple tiers of suppliers. As leaders consider new risk management strategies in their recovery from pandemic-related disruption, technology may offer solutions, tapping multiple data sources and applying advanced analytics to provide greater insight.
Investment Firms Can Leverage Regulatory Relief Now
28 April, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Tammy Whitehouse
Several relief provisions give investment management firms some needed room to navigate significant market turmoil related to COVID-19. Firms may need to develop processes to track extended filings, document deliveries and board decisions to facilitate regulatory compliance while continuing critical investment services.
Ira Millstein on Leadership During a Crisis
20 April, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Janet Foutty
Janet Foutty, U.S. Executive Chair of the Board for Deloitte, recently had an opportunity to meet virtually with Ira M. Millstein to hear his principles for leadership and corporate governance in times of crisis. Millstein is the founding chair of the Ira M. Millstein Centre for Global Markets and Corporate Ownership at Columbia Law School, a noted author and a senior partner at the international law firm, Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP.
Context Is Key When Leading Virtually
20 April, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Ajit Kambil, Pat Brown, Rob Dicks, Kris Routch, Ann Perrin and Josh Hyatt
Alex (Sandy) Pentland, faculty director and founder of MIT Connection Science, discusses why leaders must pay closer attention to context when leading virtual teams in the absence of traditional visual and auditory cues. With decades of experience studying virtual leadership and virtual teams, he also explains what leaders can do to be effective in the remote work environment.
IR Strategies to Help Manage COVID-19 Uncertainty
20 April, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Chris Ruggeri, Michael Epstein and Kirk Blair
During quickly evolving crises, investor relations (IR) professionals must adapt strategies to address challenges as they arise. The upheaval in the capital markets tied to the COVID-19 pandemic likely demands a new IR playbook that presents a company’s best-case, worst-case and holding pattern responses to business disruption and looks ahead to recovery.
Letter from China: Payment Risks Rise as Business Restarts
17 April, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Joe Guastella and Ken DeWoskin
With China’s economic restart following a lockdown and other measures to contain the COVID-19 virus underway, multinationals may need to consider new ways to work with financially stressed Chinese businesses. To maintain market share, CFOs can consider options and innovative payment approaches to address liquidity pressures from mainland China-based distributors and customers
Virtualisation: Lessons for Enabling Remote Work
10 April, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Ajit Kambil
Deloitte CIO Larry Quinlan discusses the necessary components to virtualising workplace processes and functions and how CFOs can work effectively with CIOs to drive sponsorship across the enterprise. He also discusses key decisions and considerations that can help CIOs plan their company’s path to virtualised work more effectively.
SEC Reporting and Disclosures Involving COVID-19
8 April, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
It’s important for SEC registrants to carefully consider their unique circumstances and risk exposures when analysing how the COVID-19 pandemic may affect their financial reporting and related financial statement disclosures. Learn important financial reporting considerations related to conditions that may result from the pandemic, including issues related to MD&A, risk factors and earnings releases.
Virus Disruption May Reshape Supply Chains
7 April, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Tammy Whitehouse
Strain in global supply chains, first as a result of tariffs and more recently amid the COVID-19 pandemic, may prompt organisations to revisit their approach. Some may consider a fresh assessment of risk that can help to identify short- and long-term opportunities while taking corrective action.
Insurance Contracts Merit Careful Scrutiny in Crisis
6 April, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Kathryn Pavlovsky and Ben Solomon
Organisations may need to develop and deploy a strategic approach to determine which of their insurance coverages might provide reimbursement for losses associated with the COVID-19 outbreak. With multiple types of losses factored against numerous and varied insurance contracts, the analysis and response are critical to improving outcomes.
COVID-19: How CIOs Can Lead the Way
1 April, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Katherine Noyes
COVID-19 is testing the capabilities of even the most resilient organisations, with a number of expanded responsibilities falling on IT. Many enterprises will likely emerge with modernised technology and ways of working. A few key practices can help CIOs pave the path.
Dial Up Resilience Planning Amid Virus Turmoil
31 March, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Tammy Whitehouse
The systems and processes organisations are developing to combat the disruptive effects of the coronavirus outbreak may help to form a playbook that prepares them for future emergencies. Organisations that have taken proactive measures and engaged in scenario planning are demonstrating resilience in the face of the current crisis.
Capex Risk Modelling for COVID-19 Response
27 March, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Charles Alsdorf
Designing a risk-resilient capital planning playbook for black swan events such as the COVID-19 pandemic doesn’t need to be especially sophisticated. However, it does require a strong framework to ensure that decision-makers employ logic and discipline in arriving at their understanding of current and future risk impacts, while setting the strategic priorities for a new baseline of growth.
Our Day One of the New Reality
25 March 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By David Redhill
As millions of workers around the globe are thrust suddenly into remote work situations, the experience of Deloitte Consulting Global CMO David Redhill and his colleagues in Australia reveals a huge and perhaps unexpected, upside.
Virtual Work Practices to Bolster Business Resilience
25 March 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Erica Volini, Robin Jones
Many companies have decided or will soon decide to perform most work virtually in response to the spread of COVID-19, shining a spotlight on the need for corporate resilience and the ability to embrace virtual collaboration tools and practices. A practical approach can help companies adapt and progress in this dynamic environment.
Shoring Up Supply Chains as Virus Spreads
23 March 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Dan Kinsella, Bryan Goshorn, Jim Kilpatrick, Lee Barter
The virus that brought parts of China and much of Italy to a standstill continues to spread to other parts of the world, extending business continuity challenges and supply chain disruptions into new geographic areas. As organisations manage and adapt, they may need to consider a number of talent, IT, succession and cash flow initiatives to work through uncertainty and volatility.
How Digital Business Can Inform COVID-19 Response
17 March 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By James Cascone, Tim Christmann
In a volatile and uncertain environment, digital capabilities may enable organisations to be proactive and agile in response to emerging disruptions, augmenting their ability to be resilient.
Supply Chain Considerations for Coronavirus
18 March 2020 | Wall Street Journal
By Andy Marks
CFOs can help to adapt supply chains and corporate spending plans disrupted by the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak by working with supply chain leaders to identify, assess and implement effective options. Consider several actions that can improve supply chain resiliency and strategic agility now and longer-term.