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Yiannis Leonidou appointed as a new Deloitte partner

Deloitte is pleased to announce the admission of Yiannis Leonidou into partnership from 1st June, 2017. This development strengthens even more the dynamic and leading position of Deloitte in Cyprus.

Yiannis Leonidou is an Audit & Assurance Partner based at the Deloitte Nicosia office with cumulative experience in the audit profession of 22 years. He has experience in the audit of listed (both in the Cyprus and foreign stock exchange) and other private companies in various industries including technology, financing, construction, hotels-leisure, software development, oil extraction, gaming, automotive, retailing, pension funds and agriculture.

Yiannis is a Fellow Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, Member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus (ICPAC).