The event took place under the auspices of the Deputy Minister of Shipping and
the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It was organised in
collaboration with PortXL, the global hub for entrepreneurship in the maritime industry, and the Cyprus Marine & Maritime Institute (CMMI).
The workshop gathered several stakeholders and corporates from the maritime
sector, who are interested in innovation processes, to identify the collective needs and respective opportunities for innovation. The main objective is to build bridges with entrepreneurs and startups to support their business development in order to help drive global innovation in maritime.
The workshop’s moderator and Director International of PortXL, Cees-Willem
Koorneef, stressed the importance of open innovation in the maritime sector
and forming regional coalitions between different stakeholders to encourage
smart and fast innovation.
ARIS Manager and Director at Deloitte Cyprus’ Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Centre, Eliza Loucaidou, mentioned: “This is a great opportunity for local
start-ups and new entrepreneurs to be inspired and encouraged to develop
innovative solutions for sustainable growth in shipping.”
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Press contact(s):
Michelle Karaolides
Head of Marketing & Communications
Deloitte Limited
Tel: +357 22 360 726
Lena Machlouzarides
Marketing & Communications
Deloitte Limited
Tel: +357 22 360 597