In today’s environment of heightened cyber importance, we drew from our experience working with thousands of organisations worldwide to assess an organisation’s cyber maturity.
Based on your responses, your organisation has MEDIUM cyber maturity, adhering to some of the leading practises.
How does this compare with Deloitte’s 2023 Future of Cyber Survey respondents?
By assigning point values to each set of leading practises, we were able to segment the surveyed organisations into three groups:
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To define cyber maturity and identify the high performers who are shaping the future of cyber, we used three sets of leading practises to rate organisations:
All three of the segments (low, medium, high) spanned industries as well as organisation size and revenue—indicating that maturity level may not be significantly dependant on a company’s industry or size.
Download Deloitte’s 2023 Future of Cyber Survey report for cyber insights to help you make a bigger impact.
The future of cyber continues to evolve. How will you navigate an ever-changing cyber landscape—and lead your organisation toward new business value? Download the report and contact us to explore additional Deloitte cyber insights that can help you navigate the future with greater confidence.
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