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Christos Papamarkides

Partner | Indirect Tax Leader

Christos Papamarkides is Tax & Legal Partner and the Indirect Tax Leader for Deloitte Cyprus’ Tax and Legal Service Line. Christos has 24 years experience in the profession leading a team of specialists, offering a range of indirect tax planning work, consulting and advising of clients. He is the former Chairman (2006-2008, 2014-2016) and current member of the Insitute of Certified Public Acccountants’ VAT Committee . As an active member of the local and European VAT community, Christos has had years of experience in dealing with the national authorities both from the Clients’and policy making sides.

Christos is a Fellow Member of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants UK and a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Cyprus. Christos is the author of numerous publications and a visiting Lecturer at the University of Cyprus on Indirect Tax subjects.