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Alexis Agathocleous

Partner | Assurance | Accounting & Reporting Assurance

Alexis holds a BSc in Accounting and Finance from the London School of Economics and Political Science. He started his career in 1994 with Deloitte London where he qualified as a Chartered Accountant. In 1998 he joined Deloitte Athens providing audit and advisory services to financial institutions.

Alexis joined Deloitte Cyprus in 2007 and is currently leading the Financial Services Industry practice of Deloitte Cyprus. He acts as the audit partner for several financial institutions and has carried out several due diligence engagements in the Cypriot banking sector.

Alexis combines the knowledge gained from delivering large assignments for financial institutions, including IFRS 9 implementations to two systemic banks, with insights obtained from wide ranging advisory projects to provide focused insights on challenges facing the local banking market.