In today’s advertising landscape, data-based targeting, increasingly personalised advertising, ongoing data privacy concerns and shifting stakeholder power are converging to create a shifting, often uncertain environment.
The question is not if advertising will change, but how rapid and radical that change will be. Following our studies on the future of the telecom and TV & video industries, we now focus our unique methodology and industry expertise on advertising. Our report The future of advertising: Pathways to survival in four scenarios, explores the factors most likely to influence how today’s advertising players will vie for relevance and market share, and offers four unique visions for the future.
Our study first defined five industry protagonists—digital platform businesses, media companies, agencies, advertisers and consumers; in each scenario, some of these will emerge as winners and others as losers. Our scenarios were based on a comprehensive set of underlying social, technological, economic, environmental and political drivers that will shape the industry. We focussed our scenario analysis on those drivers that were both highly relevant and highly uncertain. Finally, we arrived at four distinct scenarios likely to play out in the future of advertising, with an accent on both the provocative and the plausible possibilities.
What do you see as the most plausible future for the world of advertising? Is it similar to one of the above scenarios, or do you see an entirely different outcome? Have another look at your corporate strategy and consider how well it shapes up in each scenario—are you confident it will hold up in any situation or is it time for some tuning-up?
Take a moment and let us know your thoughts.
Download The future of advertising. Pathways to survival in four scenarios to learn more about the four scenarios, the trends that influence each, and strategies that can help you survive the many changes in store for the advertising industry.